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Q: Iv had Mirena for a year now and for the past 3 weeks iv had to take amoxicillin can you get pregnant?
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You have the Mirena and havent had a period for a month ive been throwing up the past couple days are you pregnant?


Can a woman be pregnant past forty weeks?

yes they can go to 41 weeks and very rarely to 42 weeks but after 41 weeks there can be a danger to the baby as the placenta starts to stop working efficiently.

Can Mirena cause hair loss?

Absolutely. I dont know a lot of details but after a lot of online searching. I'm going to take mine out ASAP. I've lost almost 75 percent of my hair in the past 3 weeks!

Can you still be pregnant even if you haven't had any symptoms for the past two weeks?

Yes, but talk to your doctor or midwife if you're concerned

Will you vomit if you drink alcohol while taking amoxicillin?

Yes i have been vomiting for the past 5 days straight every morning , and i am pretty sure it is from the amoxicillin.

If you have taken a pregnancy test one a week for the past 7 weeks they have all came up negative can you still be pregnant and your hormones just haven't picked it up on the test?

if you have taken a pregnancy test once a week for the past 7 weeks they have all came up negative can you still be pregnant and your hormones just havent picked it up on the test?

Can you tell when you two weeks pregnant?

I really think that depends on the person and if you have had a pregnancy in the past. People who are more in tune with their bodies and have had previous pregnancies might know they are pregnant before it will show up on a test.

You usually have really heavy periods but this month you were 2 weeks late and am having a really light period can this mean you are pregnant even tho the test said negative?

A pregnancy test will be able to give you a result by the time your period is due. If you test now, and it is positive, then you are 4 weeks past conception (or 6 weeks pregnant). If you are two weeks past your last period and not pregnant, you are probably about to ovulate (and possibly about to fall pregnant). So if you test in a week's time and the result is positive, you will not know for sure which month you fell pregnant. Take one now - it will tell you for sure for peace of mind.

Does it take exactly nine months for a woman to give birth after she's gotten pregnant?

No. The pregnancy calendar is crazy!! A woman is actually two weeks pregnant when she actually has sex to conceive. So by the time she finds out she is pregnant (2 weeks later) she is actually four weeks pregnant technically. Most women will deliver around 40 weeks of pregnancy (which if you figure up is about 10 months!). Some women will deliver earlier while others will deliver later. If a woman goes too much past the due date, then the doctor will induce her.

You are past 37 weeks when will you have your baby?

40 weeks

You had the mirena IUD put in back in march 2007 in the past 2 weeks you have had sore breast bad headaches and feeling tired all the time you took a pregnancy test yesterday but it said neg.?

As you have put a foreign body in your body, it may be causing the problem, have your blood pressure checked .

Can you see or feel your belly move at 3 weeks pregnant?

It will feel completely normal. At 3 weeks past conception (which doctors call 5 weeks pregnant) your baby will be 1mm long. There will be no changes in your body that you can see or feel. In a couple of weeks, a trained doctor will be able to feel a change in your uterus, but you will probably not be able to feel it.