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gaining 1oo million square miles of land in the west Oregon territory, California... and on

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13y ago

John Polk extended the United States. Undergone a war and sucessed with the take over of the Mexican province of California.

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Q: What was john Polk greatest accomplishment as president?
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Who preceded president Polk?

John Tyler preceded Polk as US president.

Who was the president that James Polk replaced?

Polk succeeded John Tyler as President.

What president served before Polk?

John Tyler gave up his office to Polk.

What is president John Knox last name?

I believe you mean James, not John, which would be 11th President James Knox Polk. There is no President John Knox.

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Who came first John Tyler or James Polk?

John Tyler. John Tyler served as the President of the United States before James Polk. John Tyler was also born 5 years before James K. Polk.

Who is Polk Tyler?

It sounds like you may be combining the names of two different people. There was a John Tyler, 10th President of the United States, and a James Polk, 11th President of the US.

Was John Quincy Adams president during the Mexican American war?

No. It was President James Knox Polk who was President during the war with Mexico.

What is Pocahontas greatest accomplishment?

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What did john k Polk accomplish?

John K. Polk was never a president and is not under the categorie of Abraham Lincoln, in case you were wondering. JAMES K. Polk was the 11 president of the United States of America. If you want to know his accomplishments do the work yourself. Don't sit around and let others do the work for you. I'm working on a paper on him right now.

Who was president between Tyler and Taylor?

No. Tyler became President a long time before Van Buren died. In fact. Tyler died about 6 months before Van Buren died. (Tyler became president immediately after President Wm H. Harrison died. )

Who replaced John Tyler as president in 1844?

James K. Polk replaced Tyler in 1845. (The election was in 1844).