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Emperor Hirohito

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Q: Japan turned to a militaristic government and kept as its head?
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What is Japans head of government?

Japan has a monarch (Emperor) as head of state and an elected prime minister as head of government.

Who elects for head government in japan?

The head of state of Japan is the Emperor and he is not elected as it is a hereditary position.

Who is head of the japan gov't?

The head of government in Japan is the Prime Minister. The current Prime Minister, as of November 2017, is Shinzo Abe.

Who was the head of government post war world 2 in japan?

The emperor was the head of the government in postwar Japan. This was had assurance of the Japanese people and the US had to comply and helped create Japan's Constitution.

Who is the recent head of government of Japan?

The current Emperor of Japan, or the nation's official head of state, is Akihito. Furthermore, the Prime Minister is Naoto Kan.

Under the postwar constitution of Japan who was the head of government?

Probably a giant penis

Who is the execytive head of a state in Japan?

The Prime Minister heads the Government but the Emperor is head of state but has no real power.

What was Japans government during World War 2?

They had an Emperor and in fact they still have one that is more a figurehead than the head of state.

Who was the head government in japan after world war 2?

Tom Coughlin. This was sadly true. He was 67 at the time

In Japan the emperor a hereditary ruler serves as the head of state while the people participate in governing and elected officials make laws. What type of government does Japan have?

Constitutional Monarchy

Does japan have a communist state?

No. Japan was a monarchy ( still has a emperor as a figure head of state) until WW 2. At the end of the war the United States was in control of the government for several years and it created a parliamentary form of government . This is still the government today. They have a prime minister instead of a president.

What are the differences between the Japanese government and the US government?

The Japanese government is a multi-party parliamentary republic; the US government is a two-party Federal Republic. In Japan the head of government is a member of the legislative body and can loose his formal right to govern based on a simple vote of the parliament. The ceremonial functions of Head of State are performed by another person, the Emperor. In the US the head of government is not a member of the legislature and serves for a definite term, regardless of most votes in the legislature. The head of government also serves as head of state, and so has ceremonial as well as administrative responsibilities.