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Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were born in the southern state of Kentucky.

The Lincoln family would eventually move and settle in Illinois.

The Davis family would eventually move and settle in Mississippi.

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13y ago

Both Lincoln (the 16th US President) and Davis (President of the Confederacy) were born in the state of Kentucky, Lincoln in 1809 and Davis a year earlier, in 1808.

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Q: Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were born in the state of?
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Who were the U.S. Presidents born in KY?

Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln Only Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky and became the US President and Jefferson Davis was born in Kentucky and became the only President of the CSA.

Jefferson Davis who was president of the Confederate States of America and President Abraham Lincoln were born in this state?

Both presidents were born in Kentucky.

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Buchanan. The secession of the first state (South Carolina) was a direct response to Lincoln's election win. But Lincoln was not inaugurated until March 1861.

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Kentucky was the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, the US president and of Jefferson Davis, the president of the confederate states.

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James Buchanan was the current president, the president elect was Abraham Lincoln. Jefferson Davis later became president of the confederacy.

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Kentucky (KY). The two presidents born in Kentucky were Jefferson Davis (Confederacy) and Abraham Lincoln (United States).

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Lincoln served from 1861 to 1865; Johnston from 1865 to 1869. Grant took office in 1869. (The war ended in 1865.)

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What state Jefferson Davis born in?

Jefferson was born on the state of Kentucky

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Abraham Lincoln was elected to the state legislature in 1834.

Where was Jefferson Davis from?

Jefferson Davis was from the part of Christian County, Kentucky that now forms Todd County, Kentucky. When the State of Mississippi seceded from the Union in January 1861, Jefferson Davis was a U.S. Senator who represented that state.