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He believed the people hold the power in their freedom

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in the hands of the freedom

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homeskewed? lol same and its all people.

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power to the states

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Q: Jefferson believed that the power of government belonged in the hands of the what?
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What did Jefferson believed that the power of the government belonged in the hands?

power of the states

What was Jefferson's political philosophy?

Thomas Jefferson wanted the power of government to be in the hands of people; limited government.

Why did Jefferson insist that the people themselves were the only safe repositories of government?

Thomas Jefferson one of our best-known champions of constitutional democracy, believed in the common sence of the people and the flowering possibilities of the human spirit. Jefferson warned that every government degenerates when it is left only in the hands of rulers. The people themselves, Jefferson wrote, are the only safe repositories of government. P. E. Harrell

What did Thomas Jefferson think about Alexander Hamilton's plan for a national bank?

Thomas Jefferson strongly opposed Alexander Hamilton's plan for a national bank. He believed that such a bank was unconstitutional and that it would lead to an unfair concentration of financial power in the hands of the federal government and wealthy elites. Jefferson favored a more limited role for the federal government and championed states' rights and agrarian interests.

Whose theory of economics believed in a hands-off approach with respect to the government's involvement in the economy?

adam smith

What did montesqueieu believe the purpose of separation of powers?

He believed that if all three powers were combined the government would be too corrupt, therefore he believed that the executive body should be in the hands of a single person, the legislative in the hands of a group of people (less corruption) and the judiciary should be controlled by judges.

According to Thomas Jefferson what would be the long-term consequence of chartering a national bank?

Thomas Jefferson believed that chartering a national bank would give too much power to the central government and would open the door to corruption and manipulation. He feared that it would undermine state banks and lead to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Jefferson believed in a decentralized economy and believed that a national bank would ultimately be detrimental to the long-term health of the country.

Why was the election of Thomas as vice president to john Adam a problem?

If you mean Thomas Jefferson he and Adams had been friends, but their view of government was different and Jefferson felt he should have been president instead of Adams. The election got really nasty with name calling, slander, and accusations. Adams was a strong believer in a strong central government while Jefferson felt that government should have a hands off role and defer to states rights. Jefferson also thought Adams abused the office with the Alien Sedition act.

What did President Jefferson fear would happen if the US Supreme Court got the power of judicial review?

Jefferson was concerned that the Supreme Court would create an oligarchy (a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of an elite group). He was also concerned that the judiciary would abuse the power, which he never acknowledged as constitutionally valid, and become a despotic branch of government. He believed judicial review violated the separation of powers in the Constitution.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Who believed in laissez-faire business practices and what did that mean?

That is a french term meaning hands off government should not interfere with business in general

Two differences of beliefs between the Federalist party and the Democratic-Republican party on how the United State should be governed?

The federalist party believed in a strong centralized government and a loose interpretation of the Constitution and also supported the creation of a national bank. (led by Alexander Hamilton) The anti-federalist, or Democratic-republican party believed in a decentralized government with the power in the hands of the states and the people. They did not support the creation of a national bank and stuck to a strict interpretation of the Constitution. (led by Thomas Jefferson)

Compare and contrast the political ideology of Thomas Jefferson vs Alexander Hamilton anti federalist federalist?

Thomas Jefferson v Alexander Hamilton - were essentially good friends to begin with. Jefferson was for a very weak central government and power mostly in the states. Hamilton, however, was for a strong central government, evidenced by his financial policies, such as assumption. Jefferson was suspicious of the governors, believing that they would succumb to avarice in office; Hamilton suspicious of the governed, believing that the masses would not be able to sustain democracy and keep the government in order. In addition, Jefferson was a congenial optimist and saw things through a rose colored prism, Hamilton was distrustful to a fault (most likely from his childhood) and saw things through a dark prism. Finally, Jefferson favored relations with France, Hamilton, Britain. Anti Federalist v Federalist - the majority of anti-Federalists either thought the Articles were fine, or that they needed a Bill of Rights. Like Jefferson, many AFs believed that too much power was in the hands of the government, that the government would become greedy, and that, to be honest, the Articles were only going to be revised, not overhauled. Federalists, for the most part, believed the exact opposite. However, many people only supported ratification with a promise that Bill of Rights would be enacted.