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Q: John and Susan traveled with their mom from the eastern part of Virginia to Florida. Name the states they probably traveled through to get there?
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John and susan traveled with there mom from the eastern part of virginia to florida. how many states did they probably go through to get there what states did they pass?

From eastern Virginia going south, they would probably travel the interstate. The states going that route would be North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and finally Florida.

If you drive from eastern Virginia to Florida how many states do you probably go through?

You would go likely go through 3 states - North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia - to get from eastern Virginia to Florida.

What state has a panhandle Colorado or Florida?

West Virginia is the state which has two panhandles, the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia.

Does West Virginia have the same time as Florida?

West Virginia and most of Florida are in the Eastern Time Zone. However the western panhandle portion of Florida is in the Central Time Zone.

How many states do you have to go from the eastern part of Virginia to Florida?

There are three states between Virginia and Florida. North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Which direction do you travel from eastern Virginia to Florida?

If you are a crow, you would fly south southwest to get from eastern Virginia to Florida. If you are a person in a car, you might have to travel due west and then slooowly move toward the south southwest.

What are the three states from eastern from Virginia to Florida?

North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia

What was the first area of eastern USA Settled?

St. Augustine, Florida and Jamestown, Virginia.

How many states do you go though when you travel from eastern part of Virginia to Florida?


How many states would i go through to get from eastern Virginia to Florida?


Where do eastern box turtles live?

They live in Florida, Georgia, West Virginia, Virginia half of the Illinois, half of the Texas.

Was Florida the last state to join from the eastern side of the country?

No, West Virginia did not become a US State until 1863.