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The skeletal system

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Q: Joints and ligaments are part of which organ system?
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What organ system are ligaments a part of?

Ligaments are part of the muscular system.

Are joints part of the muscular system?

ligaments are a part of the skeletal system

Why are ligaments part of the skeletal system?

Some people confuse tendons with ligaments. The Musculoskeletal System includes the bones, the ligaments, the tendons, and the muscles. When split up, the ligaments are not part of the Muscular System because they connect bones to bones or bones to joints, which the bones and joints are only part of the Skeletal System. People confuse the ligaments as being part of the Muscular System because the tendons connect bones tom muscles, so tendons are part of the Skeletal and Muscular Systems, but ligaments are not.

Are tendons part of the skeletal system?

Yes. A system implies more than one organ. In this case, this includes bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilages.

Are ligaments part of the muscular system or the skeletal system?

part of the muscalar system

What part of the body is orthorpedics concerned?

Orthopedics is primarily concerned with the muscular and skeletal system of children. It also includes treatment of joints, ligaments and tendons associated with these parts.

What body part has 26 bones 33 joints 107 ligaments 19 muscles?


Are ligaments part of the muscular system?


Is the skin system an organ system?

Skin is an organ, not an organ system. It is part of the integumentary system.

What is the difference between an organ and a body system?

an organ system is a group of organs with a particular job or group of jobs an organ is an individual part of an organ system.An organ is part of a system. e.g. the heart is part of the circulatory system

Which part of the organ system are the lungs part of?

The lungs are the main organ of the respiratory system, but they are also an organ in the circulatory system.

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