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Yes, Jonas' decision to give Gabriel a pleasant memory was wise because it helped Gabriel feel comforted and loved during a difficult time. It also deepened their connection and strengthened the bond between them. Additionally, the positive effects of this memory likely extended beyond just that moment, potentially impacting Gabriel's overall well-being.

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Q: Jonas decision to give Gabriel a pleasant memory was wise?
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When gabriel woke up during the night what did Jonas do in the giver?

When Gabriel woke up crying during the night, Jonas comforted him by calming him down with memories of pleasant and soothing experiences from Jonas' own memory implant. This helped Gabriel settle back to sleep peacefully.

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Well, when Jonas asked his parents if Gabriel could sleep in his room that night, he was still restless. Accidentally, when trying to calm him, Jonas passed him his memory of the sailboat on the lake, the Giver had given it to him. Gabriel went quiet. Later in the book, when Gabriel and Jonas were in the snow, Jonas gave Gabriel the memory of fire, and warmth. I hope this helped you!

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How did Jonas sooth gabriel when he whimpered in the middle of the night in the book the giver?

He transferred the memory of snow to Gabriel subconsciously, which made Gabriel settle back to sleep.

How does Jonas help the new child Gabriel go to sleep?

In The Giver Jonas comforted Gabriel by providing him with love and physical contact. He would hold Gabriel in his arms hug him and talk to him. Jonas also worked with Gabriel to help him learn to sleep through the night. He would stay with Gabriel in his bed until he fell asleep and then Jonas would read him stories. Jonas also gave Gabriel special privileges such as allowing him to stay up late that the other children in the community did not have. These actions helped Gabriel to feel safe and comforted during his time with Jonas.Jonas also provided Gabriel with emotional support. He was always there to talk to Gabriel when he was feeling overwhelmed or frustrated and he listened to him patiently. Jonas also gave Gabriel encouragement and praised him for his efforts. By doing these things Jonas was able to help Gabriel to feel safe secure and valued.

How did Jonas give Gabriel a memory?

Jonas transferred a memory to Gabriel by placing his hands on Gabriel's forehead and transmitting the memory through touch. Through this process, Gabriel was able to experience the memory as if it were his own.

What happened when G abriel was taken away from Jonas?

When Gabriel was taken away from Jonas in "The Giver," it caused Jonas to feel a deep sense of loss and sadness. The separation from Gabriel heightened Jonas's desire to protect him and inspired his decision to leave the community. This event also ultimately led Jonas to understand the truth about the community and embrace a new way of thinking.

What is the rising action of the book The Giver?

The falling action is when Gabe and Jonas escaoe from the community to find elsewhere

When did Jonas tell Gabriel about snow in the giver?

In the book "The Giver," Jonas tells Gabriel about snow during their escape journey. It is during a particularly intense snowstorm where they experience snow for the first time. Jonas uses this moment to share the joy and beauty of snow with Gabriel as part of their special bond.

What chapter did Jonas and gabriel meet?

Jonas and Gabriel first meet in Chapter 13 of "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, where Jonas discovers Gabriel has been marked for release, prompting him to escape with Gabriel to save him.

Why are Jonas and his father worried about Gabriel fretfulness at night?

Jonas and his father are worried about Gabriel's fretfulness at night because it is a sign that Gabriel may not be adapting well to the community's rules and routines. Gabriel's fretfulness could also indicate that he is struggling to adjust to his new environment and may not be thriving as expected. Additionally, his nighttime fretfulness could disrupt the community's sense of order and harmony.

Why does Jonas break a rule and take it to Apple home the giver?

Jonas breaks the rule and takes Gabriel to the home of the Giver because he believes that Gabriel is in danger of being released from the community due to his inability to sleep through the night. The Giver offers to take care of Gabriel and protect him from being released. Jonas's decision reflects his growing awareness of the flaws in the community and his desire to protect those he cares about.