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That some day his brother would bow down to him.

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Tamia Montoya

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4y ago

He wanted Beneatha to live with him

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Q: Joseph had a dream what was it about?
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Joseph and the amazing Technicolor dream coat?

what exactly are you asking? about Joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat or what it is?

Where were Joseph's brothers when Joseph had his first dream?

sleeping. it was at night, so everyone was asleep. including joseph.

Who played Joseph in 1979 version of Joseph and his technicoloured dream coat?

Donny Osmond

What was Joeph Kennedy's dream for Joe Jr.?

Joseph Kennedy's dream was that his son, Joseph Jr. would become President, but Joe Jr. was killed in WWII.

How did God help Joseph to fullfil the dream of his life?

God helped Joseph by giving him the ability to interpret dreams, which led to Joseph being able to interpret Pharaoh's dream and ultimately becoming second in command in Egypt. God also provided guidance and protection for Joseph throughout his journey, leading him to fulfill the dream of his life.

What does the Sun Moon and the 11 strars represent in Joseph's dream from the bible?

The Sun represents Jacob (Joseph's father), the Moon represents Rachel (Joseph's mother), and the 11 stars represent Joseph's brothers. The dream symbolizes Joseph's family bowing down to him, foreshadowing his future leadership role over his family.

What did Joseph dream his brothers sheaves of corn did?

bowed to him

What are the showstoppers in the musical Joseph?

any dream will do - sung by joseph, kids sometimes echo in the background go go go Joseph - sung by narrator an joseph, and a baker & butler have a few lines. any dream will do - sung by joseph, kids sometimes echo in the background go go go Joseph - sung by narrator an joseph, and a baker & butler have a few lines.

Where did Joseph get his dream interpretation skills?

He was born with them. A gift from God.

Who besides Joseph had a dream during advent?

The wise men.

Who warned joseph to flee to egypt?

God did in a dream.

Who started dream interpretations?

The first recording of dream interpretation is in the Bible in Genesis. Joseph became known for intrpreting dreams of a fellow prisoner. the king then summoned Joseph to interpret his dreams.