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friendship is a bond which has no rules and need any blood relation, we may see many people who has no parents, no brothers, and orphans, but no person in this world, who has n friend, our first friend is our mother. its an uiversal accepting relation, it is an undefined ocean, which we can only feel it rather than saying about it. friendship has no barriers. all that it has is love, effection and happiness

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Q: Just a Minute topic about friendship?
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It is fickle.

How do you present a topic in jam session?

just a minute is a session which is selecting the one specific topic and telling about that topic for one minute what ever the topic but there should not be repeated words and hesitated words ..k all the best make practice any topic.

How can you write a conclusion for the topic friendship?

friendship is all about entitle with fun and reasonable .

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friendship love ego prayer mother home country jam

What is just a minute session?

A Just a Minute session is a game or activity where participants take turns speaking for one minute without hesitation, repetition, or deviation on a given topic. The goal is to keep talking without being interrupted for the full minute, following the rules of the game. It is often used as a communication exercise to improve speaking skills and quick thinking.

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One interesting topic for a 3-minute speech could be the impact of social media on mental health. You could discuss how excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety, and offer suggestions for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media.

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Friendship is home?

The words' Friendship is home' are used to mean that you can only rely on persons from your home, who will stand with you until the last minute, and not outsiders.

What is the meaning of the Girl Scout Friendship Squeeze?

The Girl Scout Friendship Squeeze is used while in a Girl Scout Friendship Circle. The squeeze travels around the circle, sharing friendship. Many Girl Scouts use the squeeze to make a wish before passing the squeeze on to the next girl. The squeeze can also be a way of sharing something. A topic is chosen and the girl may share something about that topic before passing the squeeze on.

Introduction paragraph on how does peace and friendship in society benefit the individual?

WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information. Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts! How would you explain peace and friendship? to your friend? What does this topic mean to you? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

What is the full form of jam?

the full form of jam is - j-just a-a m-minute its a compertion on which you speek on a topic which will be given to you you should speak with no pauses or reapets then ull win

How do you get out of a friendship?

If you want to get out of friendship, just say so. You do not need to do it indirectly.