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Euthanasia = putting someone to sleep

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Q: Killing someone who's ill is called?
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Can you kill someone for being evil?

There is never a reason that would make it OK to ill someone, even if they are evil. Killing people is against the law.

Why do people like killing horses?

people like killing horses as a hobbie or if the horse is ill.

What do you call someone who thinks they are seriously ill but they are not?

they are usually called hypochondriac or suffering from Munchhausen syndrome

Mercy killing for terminally ill people is defined as?


What do you call the person who has to kill a cow?

That all depends on what reason the cow has to be killed for. If it's the cow's owner who's killing it for meat or because the cow is too ill to be saved, the person is still called the farmer or rancher. If it's someone who does not own the cow but a doctor of animals, and performs the act of "putting the cow down" via humane euthanasia, then that person is called the veterinarian. If it is someone who is killing the cow for meat only and has been hired by the cow's owner to do such a thing, as well as skin, gut and quarter the cow afterwards, that person is called the butcher.

What do you call someone who eats themself?

Anorexia, deppression, dieting, lonly, mentally ill

If someone were stricken with an illness would she be very ill or slightly ill?


What is a person called who is frequently ill?

A person who is frequently ill can be called "sickly" or "prone to illness."

Why was the mist only killing certain people in Mistborn?

The mists weren't actually killing anyone. They way I took it, it was Ruin killing a percentage of the people who became ill to "balance" preservation turning them into mistings.

What does ill-minded mean?

Someone who is nasty.

to be ill?

the answer is ail: Meaning of ail: to feel or cause someone to feel ill, unhealthy, or weak.

Is there a way to Directly Pray to God ask Him to imprecate someone and makes some one ill or imprecate someone and directly put someone to death?

NO it is a sin to wish ill on others