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Husband knowing you cheatYes i would think less of him because i would want him to be selfish and not want that. It is ok to fantisize about it but to actually go thru with it is another. I divored my husband because of this. I felt very disrespected and like a piece of meat. I also felt appreciation was lost and then it started happening more and he was really consumed by it and it just made me sick to think that it takes that to keep spice in our marriage. Just fantasize and to go there with approval and besides that I feel how much do you think of your husband if you can do this and be ok with it? You shouldn't actually want another man to even kiss you let alone anything else. I am speaking from experience and I am remarried to a wonderful man and I use to do all of what you are talking about, I was so unhappy but could not actually admit it. I was having my cake and eating it too, but it really got to me because i wanted a normal life. Just think about it and evaluate everything.
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Q: Ladies who cheat on your husbands - do you think any less of your husband if he knows and approves?
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Would you think any less of your husband if he approved of your cheating?

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