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The Blue whale.

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Q: Laregest animal to have ever lived?
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Why is the laregest animal on earth found in the ocean?

The Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus).

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What was the heaviest animal that ever lived?

blue whale

What is the largest animal tthat ever lived?


What is the laregest animal in the world that starts with b?

the blue whale which grows to 109 ft and weights 172 metric tons.

How old was the oldest animal that ever lived?

a sea turtle; 285

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The tuba.

As measured by weight what is the largest animal species that ever lived?

blue whale

What is the largest in weight animal to have ever lived on your earth?

Was and still is the Blue Whale

Which present day animal is even large than the biggest dinosaurs were?

The blue whale, it is the largest animal that has ever lived.

What is the largest crestacean?

The Blue Whale is the largest cetacean, and is also the largest animal ever to have lived on earth.

Are there any whales that are heavier or longer then killer whales?

yes the blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived