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On top of mountains.

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Q: Large telescopes are often housed where?
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Related questions

What are the bulidings called where optical telescopes are found?

The word "Observatory" is used to refer to a dedicated building where large optical telescopes are housed. This usually includes a protective dome that can be opened or retracted to observe the stars.

Most optical telescopes used by professional astronauts are housed in what?


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What and where are the largest optical telescopes in use today?

Ccd's and in large telescopes

Reflecting telescopes differ from refracting telescopes in having what?

Two large objective lenses.

What do you call a building where you look at stars at?

well, it would usually be an observatory.....

Why big telescopes?

Large telescopes have improved resolution over small telescopes and as such can gather clearer images of objects further away.

Are telescopes dangerous?

Telescopes are not dangerous in normal operation. A large telescope might hurt you if it fell on you.

What radio astronomy?

That refers to researching the Universe by observing radio waves. Special telescopes - radiotelescopes - are built for this purpose; they are often quite large.

Why are large telescopes made?

to see uranus

Why are large telescopes used to study distant galaxies and not small telescopes?

my guess is that larger telescopes are stronger than smaller ones. which means they can see farther. .

Why are radio telescopes often placed in valleys?

Placing the telescopes in valleys is believed by some people to slightly reduce radio interference, but when radio telescopes are placed in valleys, it is usually because they are so large and the mountains work as supports, to reduce the cost.