

Launching sites to other webpages are called what?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Launching sites to other webpages are called what?
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Why is a web site called a web site?

there's "website" and "webpage" webpage: a single place on the web without lead off links to other webpages website: a place on the web where the page includes "hyper links" to other webpages/sites

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Web pages often have built-in connections, or links, to other documents, graphics, other Web pages, or Web sites.

What do you call a webpage to search other webpages?

Doesn't google do that? Its a search engine, showing sites by the keyboards you searched. There are more engines like yahoo and bing etc.

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Sobakawa pillows can be purchased from webpages such as 'buy the pillow'. Alternatively, one should try bedding specialist stores, or other sites such as Ebay.

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There are several well-known Russian dating webpages, such as 'Russian dating'. Similarly, other sites include 'Russian dating now' and 'Russian cupid'.

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There are many sites, but the best ones for me are the following: and ........... I hope these sites work out for you and good luck!!!

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One can purchase webpages and domains from the following sites; Go Daddy, One, Closeouts, rusci, behavarioral, bet-t, moldovian, bluray, itnj, and fixmoney domain.

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There are thousands of online Hogwarts sites, such as PotterAcademy, Hogwarts Online, and Magical Hogwarts. I am launching a new site soon called e-Hogwarts:

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Some Music concerts and rocket launching sites.

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google sites. its easy and free and u dont have to dowload anything.

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