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Law of conservation of momentum applies to any body on which no external torque is acting.

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Q: Law of the conservation of angular momentum applies which body?
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Conservation of angular momentum means that a spinning body tends to?

... to continue spinning.

Angular momentum is a measure of?

angular momentum is the measure of angular motion in a body.

If something shrinks in size but not in mass what happens to its angular momentum?

Angular momentum is maintained in such a case - and in fact in all cases, unless angular momentum is transferred to, or from, another body. This means it must rotate faster.Angular momentum is maintained in such a case - and in fact in all cases, unless angular momentum is transferred to, or from, another body. This means it must rotate faster.Angular momentum is maintained in such a case - and in fact in all cases, unless angular momentum is transferred to, or from, another body. This means it must rotate faster.Angular momentum is maintained in such a case - and in fact in all cases, unless angular momentum is transferred to, or from, another body. This means it must rotate faster.

Is the direction of angular velocity same as that of angular momentum when agular velocity is decreasing?

Yes, suppose a body is rotating anti-clockwise, then its angular velocity and angular momentum, at any moment are along axis of rotation in upward direction. And when body is rotating clockwise, its angular velocity and angular momentum are along axis of rotation in downward direction. This is regardless of the fact whether angular velocity of the body is increasing or decreasing.

What equations link angular and linear momentum If you exert a force on a free floating body it will have angular and linear momentum In what proportions and how are they linked?

angular momentum = linear momentum (of object) x perpendicular distance (from origin to the object) where x stands for cross product. angular momentum = mv x r (perpendicular dist.)

How a body can have angular momentum when it is moving in straight line?

If a body is moving in a straight line then it would have angular momentum about any point which is not along its line of motion. The magnitude of the angular momentum would be its velocity times the perpendicular distance between the line of motion and the point.

When there is no external force acting on a body , which physical quantity is conserved?

Angular Momentum. The conserved quantity we are investigating is called angular momentum. The symbol for angular momentum is the letter L. Just as linear momentum is conserved when there is no net external forces, angular momentum is constant or conserved when the net torque is zero.

Why is angular momentum of a body is equal to the product of its moment of inertia and angular velocity?

Angular momentum about the axis of rotation is the moment of linear momentum about the axis. Linear momentum is mv ie product of mass and linear velocity. To get the moment of momentum we multiply mv by r, r the radius vector ie the distance right from the point to the momentum vector. So angular momentum = mv x r But we know v = rw, so angular momentum L = mr2 x w (w-angular velocity) mr2 is nothing but the moment of inertia of the moving body about the axis of rotation. Hence L = I w.

Can a body in translatory motion have angular momentum?

Yes. A nice example is a planet in orbit around the sun. Even if it were not rotating, it would have angular momentum on account of its curved, closed path.

Can you spin faster with your arms open?

If you've ever watched an Olympic ice skater do a spin, you may have noticed that he or she will draw in her arms closer to her body in order to increase the speed of rotation. This is in keeping with the law of the conservation of angular momentum.

What happen to a gymnast's angular momentum when the changes of body configuration during a somersault's.What happen to his rotational speed?

it changes

What is the difference between law of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum?

conservation of momentum depend upon mass and the formula its given as m'.v'=m.v but the energy have void area it apply in themodynamics,revolution of planet in every physical universe..where is velocity is not taken in count there no momentum but there have some specific energy of body