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The Alien and Sedition Acts

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Q: Laws that were used to arrest people who disagreed with the federal government?
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what did stalin create for people who disagreed with the government?

The gulags

What was the disagreement between the anti-federalist and the federalist?

The main disagreement was the issue of a strong federal government, supported by Federalists, or a weak federal government with strong state government or rights, which was supported by anti-federalists, hence the name. But more importantly, while Anti-Federalists strongly disagreed with a federal government they would concede to it if a Bill of Rights was attached, to protect the people from potential tyranny.

How did Chinese government respond to political criticism?

they arrested people who disagreed with the goverment

The Fifth Amendment protects people from the federal government?

The Fifth Amendment protects people from the federal government.

What does the word federal imply?

The word federal refers to the federal government, or the largest form of government in the United States. It can also refer to taxes which are paid to the federal government or people who work for the federal government.

Were all states treated fairly by the Federal Government before the civil war?

All of the states were treated fairly, but some didn't think they were. The southern states that eventually left the union thought that the state should have the ultimate authority over its people. The Federal Government disagreed, and the southern states believed that because they didn't get a say in it that they were treated unfairly.

Can the government see what you are doing on the computer?

In some cases yes. The Patriot Act allows the federal government to tap into any data feed (like an email, or website) that may allow them to arrest and convict people who pose a threat to national security.

Who prosecutes people accused of breaking federal laws?

The federal government.

do the American people have power in our federal government?

Yes. The American people decide who is allowed to hold what position in the federal government during elections.

Theodore Roosevelt improve federal government?

Increasing number of people supported expanding the role of the federal government to ensure the welfare of people. Roosevelt believed the federal government should act as a "trustee" for the American people, by controlling and supervising the economy in the public interest.

Did the government arrest people against dictatorship in Cuba?

Yes, there are political prisoners in Cuba.

Housing subsidized by the federal government for people earning small incomes?

Authorized the federal government to clear slums and to build 810,000 units of low-income housing, or housing subsidized by the federal government for people earning small incomes