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Q: Layer of the cerebrum that interprets information from your sensory?
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Largest area of the brain?

The cerebral cortex, which is the outer layer of the brain, is the largest area of the brain in terms of surface area and plays a key role in higher brain functions such as thinking, planning, and processing sensory information.

What layer of skin contains sensory receptors for touch?

The Dermis layer contains the sensory nerve fiber, so it is the Dermis layer that contains sensory receptors for touch.

What is the outer layer of the cerebrum called?

The Cerebral Cortex

What part of brain has an outer layer called the cortex?


Thin layer of gray matter on surface of cerebrum?

Cerebral Cortex

What makes outer layer of cerebrum grey in colour and inner layer to be white in colour?

The outer layer gets dusty, while the inner layer is protected from dust.

What happens if our skin loses its sensory nature?

-The skin contains numerous sensory receptors which receive information from the outside environment -the sensory receptors of the skin are concerned with at least 5 senses:Pain, heat, cold, touch and pressure

Which layer of the skin is compose of thousands of sensory receptors?

The layer of the skin that contains sensory receptors is the epidermis. There have been reports of the dermis also containing sensory receptors.

What is the sensory layer in the back of the eye called?

The retina

Where are receptors for somatic sensations located?

cerebrum's outer layer of gray matter, the cerebral cortex.

What forms the outer layer of the cerebral cortex?

The cerebral cortex is actually the covering layer. It is a thin layer of tissue that covers the part of the brain called the cerebrum.

What layer of skin contains the sensory receptors for touch?
