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Q: Leaving the scene of a collision causing more than 50 in damage will result in?
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Leaving the scene of a collision causing more than 50 dollars in damage will result in?

Leaving the scene of a collision causing more than 50 dollars in damage will result in points on your driver's license. The amount of points will depend on the state.

Leaving the scene of a collision causing more then 50 in damage will result in how many points?

6 points

Leaving the scene of a collision causing 50 in damage will result in?

If you leave the scene of any collision, you may be arrested and brought to jail. The laws are different in each state but leaving the scene of an accident is serious. The damage can be covered by insurance.

Leaving the scene of a collision causing more than 50 in damage will result in what?

two or six points assessed against your record

Which was worse the collision of 2 nuclear subs or a leak at chernobyl?

Chernobly, it was completely uncontained. Collision of nuclear subs is also unlikely to result in any nuclear accident, just mechanical damage to body of the subs.

What type of damage to human tissues can result from prolonged exposures to to UV radiation?

The excess exposure and ultraviolet light dosage can and will result in damage to human tissues. Two forms of damage include burns and inducing cancer causing mutations.

What is the technical definition of a road traffic accident?

The technical definition of a road traffic accident is a collision of one motor vehicle with another, a pedestrian, animal, or a stationary obstruction. Traffic collisions result in injury, death, vehicle damage and property damage.

What is the result of a collision with a large object from space is often an impact?

You've definitely got that right ! There's no debating the fact that the result of a collision is often an impact.

What created the mountains?

Mountains are the result of the collision of tectonic plates.

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You will wish you had not. You will get an unpleasant shock, and you will run the risk of causing damage that might result in a fire or some other catastrophe.

Mountain ranges did not form as a result of continent collision?

Most of the large mountain ranges formed as a result of continental drift/collision, some of the smaller ranges were formed in other ways.