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I would deem it spoiled. The food temprature danger zone is between 40 and 140 degrees F. When I was in the restaurant business you were only allowed to keep food in this danger zone for 4 hours and then it had to be discarded. We took classes to become nationally food safe certified and thawing a turkey was actually discussed. The instructor said that the only way to thaw a turkey without violating this principal is to thaw it in the refrigerator. Thawing it under running water or in the bathtub results in the outer portion of the food sitting in the temprature danger zone for more than the four hour period.

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Q: Left a turkey out over night that was not frozen still good?
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Only if where it was left out was a cold as a refrigerator. Otherwise, it would not be safe to eat.

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Yes, smoked turkey does need to be refrigerated. Smoked turkey will grow bacteria if it is left at room temperature.

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Unlikely. Foods such as these are meant to be stored in a cold place for a reason. They are most likely to upset your stomach. Do not eat them.

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Maybe not for eating, but it can be used as a paperweight

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Yes because they will not do anything unless something gets into it!

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Not unless the location where it is left out is no warmer than 40 degrees F.

Can you still cook a turkey if it was left on the counter?

Yes actually you can because my son did it.

Frozen chicken was left out over night is it still ok?

Chicken is never okay outside of the fridge or freezer. If it's left out more than 20 or 30 minutes, I would throw it out.

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Can a frozen turkey be left out for 18 hours?

NO! Not at room temperature. To do so is to risk food poisoning as the exterior warms to room temperature while the inside is still frozen. To safely thaw a turkey you may thaw it in the fridge (this can take a few days), submerge it in cold water in a sink, or slowly run cold water over it for an extended period. Ensure that it's chilled so that the outer portion does not get warm.