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Yay, lets go to Canada!

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Q: Lets all move to Canada to avoid the experience of Obama being president?
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Which former us president ran away to Canada to avoid being drafted?

No US president went to Canada to avoid the draft. Jimmy Carter was sympathetic to such people and he issued a blanket pardon to them.

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Did any presidents avoid war?

i think adams or obama

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To avoid chaos

What is the 34th presidents full name?

Dwight David Eisenhower was the 34th US President. He switched the order of his first and middle names by the name he entered West Point, since was always called Dwight to avoid confusion with his father, David.

Why is Obama a great president?

It is too soon to say if Barack Obama is a great president. He may be seen that way one day in the future, but right now, there is no objective way to judge. Usually, such decisions are made by historians years after that president has been in office, when they evaluate what he achieved. Currently, partisans on both sides will weigh in: his critics will say he has done nothing great, while his supporters will say he has certainly shown greatness. To avoid those kinds of biased responses, it is usually better to wait a while and see how Mr. Obama will look in comparison with other presidents.

Why didn't obama say the Lord's Prayer during the inauguration?

As a former president, Obama respected and upheld the constitutional principle of separating church and state. The decision to recite a specific prayer during the inauguration is a personal choice, and Obama may have chosen not to recite the Lord's Prayer to avoid favoring any particular religious tradition and to be inclusive of people from different faiths or no faith.

What govt agency was created to avoid future problems in the stock market?

Obama's agency

Does President Obama have the authority to close down Cult Scientology?

No, the president does not have authority over any religion, whether it is considered a cult or not. The first amendment guarantees freedom of worship, and presidents generally avoid interfering with the practice of religion. That said, if a religious group has broken the law, its leaders can certainly be prosecuted.

How Barack Hussein Obama avoid the draft?

By being only 12 years old when it was abolished.

How are Barack Obama and Mitt Romney different?

Romney had an American father -- Obama had an African father Romney had a rich and famous father - Obama had little-known, low-income father Romney is a Mormon who is very active in his church -- Obama was a long-time United Church of Christ member who has switched to worshiping at the Camp David chapel (as did the Bushes), mostly to avoid crowd issues. Romney has experience as governor of Mass. - Obama has experience as US Senator from Illinois. Romney got very rich from an investment firm - Obama was well-off as a lawyer and state politician. If you are looking for political difference (i.e. stances on specific issues), please ask a question regarding that particular issue, as even a partial comparison of their political difference here in this summary is impossible.

Did Obama choose Chinese steel over us steel for California bridge?

No. A report that ran on ABC TV in 2011 was about states that are finding ways to avoid "Buy American" laws. The report pointed out that California chose to allow foreign companies (including China) to bid on doing the bridge repair. President Obama had nothing to do with what was a state decision.