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delete that game and go play swords and sandals 5 at

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Q: Level up glitch on swords and sandals 3?
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i type swords and sandals crusder hack then the hack comes up.

How do you level up quikly on swords and sandals 3 solo ultratus?

i know a cheat that will help you get your level up it is a money cheat first go to the weapon shop then click on an item that you can afford that is your lvl keep it up and click on inventory and then click buy keep doing this and eventually you will have NaN moneyso you an get your armour up

How do you max out intellect in Swords and Sandals 3?

Train in the school of theatrics and add archaeology points. This will allow you to find weapons and armors with up to +10 Intellect each.

How do you do the glitch on aqw involving Rustbucket?

goto sleuthhound and fight the monsters to level up fast

What level do you have to be to beat castle crashers?

You can get up to level 99. But some people use a glitch to get level 256. Don't do it though, all your stuff will be reset when they fix the glitch.

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train, train and more training. or use the pokemon clone glitch and let your pokemon hold a rare candy for level up.

What level on skyrim does the mission discerning the transmundane become available?

The quest can be started at any level BUT you must be level 15+ to start the second part of the quest which is harvesting the blood. I also found there was a glitch that you would not get the dialogue to start the second part even if you were 15+ levels. apparently the glitch is caused by starting the quest before being level 15+ so make sure you level up enough or it will more than likely glitch. hope this helps.

How do you use two weapons at once at swords and sandals 3?

Hold down q and ctrl and 5 and press the shutdown button when you load up you will have infinite weapons and health

How do you lose experience points in mafia wars because they say to me experience to level up -160?

It generally ends up as a glitch, a bad glitch. It means their systems have messed up. it is best to contact their (zynga) support (generally by email) to see if it can be fixed asap.

Any computer games that are fun?

(ages 8-12)PoptropicaClub PenguinWizards 101(ages 13 and up)Maplestorygo on for more games!there is also binweevils,moshi monsters,girlsgogames and panfu

Aq worlds how to beat slugfit?

I can beat it easily but if you want to beat it just level up ang use great swords

What happens if you catch missingno?

If you catch missingno from the Cinnabar Csland glitch, nothing will happen, except, when you level it up, it evolves into Kangaskahn (teach it fly beforehand for some lols :D) But if you catch missingno from the lavender town glitch it will screw everything up, so don't!!