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Q: Life factors and events that influence the development of the individuals?
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History does not influence families. Current events influence families and individuals.

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What are factors that influence the music?

Some factors that influence music include cultural background, personal experiences, emotional state, social environment, and technological advancements. These factors shape the style, themes, emotions, and messages found in music.

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events that led upto the establishment of the democracy in Rome ?

What is circumstances of the story?

The circumstances of a story refer to the conditions or factors that influence the events and actions within the narrative. These circumstances can include settings, characters' motivations, societal norms, and external events that shape the plot and characters' development. Understanding the circumstances of a story helps readers contextualize the events and themes being presented.

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A nonprofit development director raises contributed income for the agency. That income may be generated from grants, events or direct asks of individuals.

What does the time of a story involve?

The time of a story involves the sequence of events, the pacing and duration of those events, and the relationship between past, present, and future within the narrative. It can influence the tension, mood, and character development in a story.

What does it mean to influence the plot in a story?

To influence the plot in a story means to have an impact on the development or outcome of events through actions, decisions, or consequences brought about by a character or element within the narrative. This influence can drive the story forward, change the direction of events, or create conflict and resolution within the plot.

What events had influence the economic activity?

the events that influence the economic activity is the banking crises recession because our country is in debt

What cause bulimia nervosa?

There is no "true cause" of bulimia nervosa. However, there are many factors that can lead into the development of this disorder. Some of these factors are genetics, personality, social values, and stressful events such as death of a loved one.

What is the link between ideas and events?

Ideas can influence events by shaping people's beliefs, decisions, and actions. Events, in turn, can inspire new ideas or challenge existing ones, leading to further intellectual development and change. This dynamic relationship between ideas and events is crucial in driving progress and shaping the course of history.

What factors that influence fashion?

The fashion weeks sets fashion trends. The most influential fashion week is the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York. Celebs just copy them; that's why I think the celebs being these so called "trendsetters" are disgustingly overrated.