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Declaration of Independence does.

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Q: Life liberty and pursuit are from what document?
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What document states 'life liberty and pursuit of happiness'?

The quote "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" comes from the United States Declaration of Independence. This document calls these things unalienable rights.

Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness was originally from what document?

It was form the document common sense by Thomas Paine

Which historical document states that people have the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness?

The document is the Decloration of Independence

What document had the words life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

United States Declaration of Independence .

What document are the words life liberty and the pursuit of happiness from?

The words are from the Declaration of Independence.

Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness were ideals expressed in what document?

The Declaration of Independence stated that all men have rights given by their creator including life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Decaration Of Independence

What are the three inalienable rights listed in the Declaration?

Those would be life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What document written by thomas Jefferson was influence by the great awakening?

The declaration of independence... the term life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness came from Locke's "life, liberty, and property"

What are your unalienable rights and give examples?

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

What 3 rights do all men have according to the declaration of independence?

Life, Liberty, and happiness. Yet, the government can't guarantee that you have any of these things . No one can guarantee that you will be happy. It is up to you to make yourself happy. The language of the Declaration was not a promise to the future, but a means to express a philosophy.

What rights did Thomas Jefferson give to men?

D. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What are the important rights on the Declaration of Independence?

Among others, the natiral rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.