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Refractive index.

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Light travels slower in a material with greater optical density.

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Q: Light travels slower in a material with greater what?
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Light travels in a material with greater .......?

Optical Density. Which often is caused by normal density.

How fast does light travels in miles?

186,282 miles per second, in vacuum. Slower in material media.

Does Light travels more slowly through solid materials?

Yes. The more dense the material the slower light travels. Light travels the slowest in diamond at about a third of its normal speed of 300 000 km /s in a vacuum.

What is the material through which light travels?

what is the material through which light travels

Why does light travel faster in empty spaces?

Light travels faster (up to the speed of light) in a vacuum, which is empty space. Light travels slower through a medium (matter).

Why Refractive index the medium is always greater than 1?

That means that light travels slower in the medium than in empty space.

Does light travel faster underwater than in air?

As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.

Does light travel slower threw water?

Yes, light travels slower in water than in air.

Light waves travel at what rate?

Light travels at about: 299,792,458 m/s or rounded off you get 3.00*108 This figure is true for light traveling in vacuum. It travels slower through any material medium; the exact speed depends on the substance.

What makes light move slower as it travels?

it moves slower because of sudden movement

Is a vacuum makes the light travels slow?

No. Usually light travels fastest in a vacuum; slower in other substances.

Why light travels slower in water than in air?

Light travels slower in water than in air because when light enters the water medium, according to the collision theory, the particles of the water gets some of the light energy and displaces light from its real path. As the energy is absorbed, it is a fact that on decreasing the energy of anything, it will get much slower in performing that work. So light travels slower in water than in air.