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he was against slavery

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Q: Lincoln left off the ballot in much of the south?
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How much is 1990 penny Lincoln faces print the other way?

Lincoln's face is to the right, if you mean it is to the left on you coin, post new question.

How much does it cost to get your name on a ballot?

Registering for voting is free

How can I test how much tread is left on a used tire?

you could put a lincoln penny in the tread groove, with lincoln head facing up, if you could see all of the top of lincoln's head its time to replace the tire.

What are Abraham lincolns foreign affair?

Lincoln didn't really deal with them as much as most other presidents. He left the business of foreign affairs to his close friend Seward.

How did South Carolina react to the election of 1860?

When President Lincoln was elected president in 1860, much of the south reacted. Even before Lincoln took office, South Carolina called a convention in the south and delegates voted to secede, thus spurring the Civil War that would follow.

What caused the confederate states of America to succeed from union?

The Confederates succeded primarly because of Lincoln being elected. The South didn't agree with Lincoln's opinions and pretty much as soon as he was elected they succeded.

What factors affected Lincoln's approach to goals and conduct of the war?

Lincoln was more successful because of the fact that they were able to bring the fight to the south mostly in Virginia and Georgia. Because of this Lincoln was a much better militarily then Davis and they were able to fight it out in the battle field.

How did Lincoln's death effect the re-building of the Union?

Lincolns assassination made the reconstruction of the union a whole lot slower and made it much tougher for the south. Because the congress wasn't set on leniency as Lincoln was.

How did Abraham Lincoln get so many votes for the election?

Pretty much all of the north states voted for him, but the south almost 100% voted for the other candidate. The north had a higher population so Lincoln won.

How did Presidential Reconstruction differ from Congressional Reconstruction?

During the Presidential Reconstruction, President Lincoln wanted to be kind to the South and help them rebuild as much as possible. The Congressional Reconstruction wanted the South to pay for their rebellions.

Why was the confederacy against Lincoln?

One of the main reasons why the confedery was against Lincoln was because he wanted to slowly stop the spread of slavery. This act would slowly put the south in financial ruins because the south depended on slaves too much.

Lincoln and slavery?

Lincoln did so much with slavery