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Lincoln issued the proclamation mainly because he wanted to prevent England and France from allying with the Confederacy. While both England and France somewhat disliked the Union and Lincoln, both had abolished slavery already, and had strong anti-slavery sentiments within their societies.

So while the South was generally militarily successful in the early war, England and France, despite being sympathetic to the South, did little to actually support it. Once the Union won a major battle (Antietam- although some consider it a draw), Lincoln issued the proclamation, so that it would not appear to be an act of desperation. The proclamation linked support for the South with support for slavery, and Lincoln correctly knew that Britain and France would not support it.

Lincoln's gambit worked. The Europeans refused to support the pro-slavery South, and the proclamation even improved Lincoln's image in Europe- one prominent Italian leader proclaimed Lincoln as "the Great Emancipator", and that he would be long remembered for it. The South was forced to continue fighting the Civil War alone, and eventually lost.

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Q: Lincoln originally adamant about remaining focused on preserving the Union issued the Emancipation Proclamation because?
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What did the emancipation prolclamation do?

The Emancipation Proclamation declare freedom for slaves in the ten states remaining at war with the Union. It also allowed military service for freedman who were deemed competent for service.

When it was issued in 1863 the emancipation proclamation declared free only those slaves in?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in 10 states that were still in rebellion in 1863. It did not, however, take into account slaves that were in bordering Union states. These remaining slaves were freed on the state and federal level.

Lincoln originally adamant about remaining focused on preserving the Union issued the Emancipation Proclamation because .?

Lincoln issued the proclamation mainly because he wanted to prevent England and France from allying with the Confederacy. While both England and France somewhat disliked the Union and Lincoln, both had abolished slavery already, and had strong anti-slavery sentiments within their societies. So while the South was generally militarily successful in the early war, England and France, despite being sympathetic to the South, did little to actually support it. Once the Union won a major battle (Antietam- although some consider it a draw), Lincoln issued the proclamation, so that it would not appear to be an act of desperation. The proclamation linked support for the South with support for slavery, and Lincoln correctly knew that Britain and France would not support it. Lincoln's gambit worked. The Europeans refused to support the pro-slavery South, and the proclamation even improved Lincoln's image in Europe- one prominent Italian leader proclaimed Lincoln as "the Great Emancipator", and that he would be long remembered for it. The South was forced to continue fighting the Civil War alone, and eventually lost.

Can one parent sign off on emancipation in Florida?

No, both parents must consent to a minor's emancipation in Florida unless one parent has abandoned the child or their parental rights have been terminated. If this is the case, the remaining parent can petition for emancipation.

What is the importance of the emancipation proclomation?

The Emancipation Proclamation did not at first declare all slaves free, though President Lincoln did encourage the southern states to free them. The proclamation is what led to the thirteenth amendment in the commandment, though, a year later declaring all slaves free.

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There are no freed slaves remaining on the farm where they had worked as slaves. After emancipation, freed slaves were free to leave the farms where they were enslaved.

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What impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the nation?

Emancipation ProclamationPresident Lincoln always insisted that his aim was not the destruction of slavery, but the preservation of the Union. He often reassured political leaders from the loyal slave states that if he could end the war without freeing any slave, he would. However, Congress and the public grew more and more of the mind that slavery was wrong and should be abolished as a policy of the war effort. Lincoln, by 1862, had decided that it might be necessary to free some of the slaves in order to increase support for his administration and the war effort. He read a proclamation to his cabinet during the summer of 1862, which stated that all slaves held in territory that was still under the control of rebel forces would be freed. Secretary of State Seward convinced Lincoln not to issue the Emancipation Proclamation until there was a Union victory, so it would appear the US was issuing the proclamation out of strength, not weakness. The major victory occurred at Antietam on September 22, 1862. Five days later, Lincoln issued the Proclamation to go into effect on January 1, 1863. Abolitionists pointed out that the proclamation did not free one slave, because the Union did not control the states still in rebellion. However, it did reassure loyal slave owners by allowing them to keep their slaves while still remaining in the Union. It also served as an inducement to some Confederate leaders to make peace before the January deadline. It allowed northern commanders to make use of Black recruits, as many Blacks fled to Union armies when they heard about the Proclamation. The Proclamation also convinced Great Britain not to aid the Confederacy as the British public opinion dramatically drifted to support the Union in the Civil War. And, the Proclamation was greeted with support among many northern civilians who were growing tired with the war.Couldn't free slaves in the south because they were not under the control of the Union.