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Q: Liquids tend to form spherical droplets because of tension?
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Why do liquids tend to form spherical droplets?

Surface tension. It is caused by cohesion, or that molecules tend to feel attracted to like molecules.

What is a force that acts on particles at a liquids surface?

Surface tension. It always tends to acquire minimum surface area thats why water droplets form spherical shape.

Why Mercury is spherical in shape liquid?

The reason mercury droplets are spherical is because they do easily wet other surfaces. For this reason, mercury forms spheres, which have the smallest possible ration of surface area to volume.

What makes a water drop round instead of flat?

A water drop is a perfect sphere. A sphere is the geometrical shape that has the smallest surface area for its volume. The drop takes this shape because water molecules tend to stick to each other.

Why does liquid take the shape of a sphere when in zero gravity and gases does not?

It is due to surface tension. Surface tension is only for liquids. Due to surface tension surface energy is to be minimized only reducing the area. For a given volume sphere has minimum surface area. Hence spherical shape.

Why does liquid form into droplets as it falls?

Surface tension

Why does water become spherical when thrown in air?

Water droplet is spherical when water is thrown in air because of surface tension in water molecules which forces it to assume the smallest shape possible.

Liquids form spherical drops because of what property?

Liquids tend to form spherical droplets because of surface tension. There is energy associated with the surface tension, and since a sphere has the minimum surface to volume ratio, it has the minimum surface tension related energy for a given amount of liquid. (It is a general principle in physics that things tend toward a minimum energy state.)

Why is mercury so small?

The reason any droplet is spherical is due to the surface area to volume ratio. A sphere is the shape with the smallest surface area to volume ratio, as opposed to a square or triangle. Larger ones are affected by the weight and normal forces which exceed the ability of the surface tension to keep the drop in spherical shape. In a zero gravity environment all droplets would be spherical. The minimization of surface area to volume ratio is also the reason rain drops are tear shaped (surface tension counteracted by drag force on the drop).

Why the raindrop is spherical?

rain drop is spherical since the surface tension of sphere is less when compared to other shapes.

What are the example of surface tension?

the spherical water drops of a flower.

Why is the moon spherical in shape?

Its the same reason as to why every other heavenly body is spherical in shape. its because any rotating body in order to conserve energy takes the shape involving least tension and hence your planets, moons are spherical in shape.