

Best Answer

because the british got fed up with the colinest and yeah by

note from new answerer: the British DID NOT get fed up with the Colonists. The colonists got fed up with the british. Because of said reasons below

New Answer: February 11, 2009

1.) Because the British kept giving taxes to the Colonists. They treated the Colonists like a "money tree". So everytime the British needed money, they just took some from the Colonists.

2.) Colonists began smuggling in sugar

3.) The British had the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act.

STAMP ACT = every written document now had a tax

SUGAR ACT = this was to stop colonists from smuggling goods (mostly and other foods)

4.) Eventually, the Colonists got really pissed off.

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Q: List 4 reasons why british colonists relations deteriote?
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British attempts to tax the colonies with laws like the Townshend Acts were resisted by the colonists because?

the revenues fromt the taxation would go to support British officials and judges in America

What are three reasons English settlers established colonies in America?

Religious freedom , money, and a new life are reasons colonists settled in America .

What document did the colonists issue in 1776 when they felt their right as englishmen had been violated?

In 1776, the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence. The document explained the colonists' reasons for severing their political ties with Great Britain.

What are 5 reasons a person in the british North American colonies might have had for remaining loyal to Britain?

During the American Revolutionary Period (and War for Independence), numerous colonists remained loyal to Great Britain for several reasons. First, some genuinely believed that British rule was not only proper but also necessary for the survival of the colonies. Second, some distrusted the diverse set of patriot-leaders who were taking upon themselves the weighty task of founding a new nation. Third, still more were simply adhering to the convictions of their family, friends, and local community: it was most important to these colonists to stand in line with the prevailing opinions of the people most important to them.

What British act levied an internal tax on various documents and articles in the American colonies?

The Stamp Act levied this tax, and it made the colonists very angry since they had no say in the matter. The Stamp Act quickly became one of the reasons many of the colonists wanted independence from England.The Stamp Act levied this tax, and it made the colonists very angry since they had no say in the matter. The Stamp Act quickly became one of the reasons many of the colonists wanted independence from England.The Stamp Act levied an internal tax on various documents and articles in the American colonies.

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the British surrendered

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Why did the colonist hate the British?

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The Boston Massacre occurred when British soldiers started shooting at a crowd of rioting townspeople. It inspired colonists to revolt because they were already angry at the British for other reasons such as the Intolerable Acts.

Why did colonists protest British taxes?

The American colonists were British citizens, but they were denied the right to have representatives in the British government - a guaranteed right of those citizens still residing in England. It was known as "Taxation without Representation" and was one of several reasons that the colonists decided to rebel against "Mother England" and King George.

What was one of the reasons that the colonists decided to go prepare for war with Britain?

the British levied too many taxes on them.

What justification for separation were included in the declaration of Independence?

The writers of the Declaration of Independence wanted everyone to understand the exact reasons why they felt the British were treating the colonies unfairly. These reasons included the fact that the British: Forced the colonists to pay for and provide housing for British forces in the colonies.

Which of these is the slogan adopted by colonists angry about British taxes?

One of the most significant reasons why the colonists were against the British taxes was because they had no say over them, as they were not represented in the British government. The United States Declaration of Independence was ratified on July 4, 1776.

Why did more native Americans side with the british than the patriots?

Many reasons. Firstly, the British bought their support. Also, they were more scared of colonists taking their land than the british. Apperently rightly so.

Why were the colonists mad about being taxed?

Taxes were imposed on the colonists for economical reasons. The economy of the American colonies was so robust that England wanted a share of the profits.

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The subject of "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was a list of gripes that the Colonists should not put up with any more from the British. "Common Sense" was one of the reasons the Colonists decided to break completely free from the British ruler.

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