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lack of commitment



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Q: List 5 indicators that a person may be abusive?
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Why people stay in abusive families?

People stay in abusive households for a variety of reasons. They may be afraid of what will happen to them when they do leave. They may still "love" the person and will stay in hopes of them changing. They may be threatened into staying or they may believe that they have no where else to go.

Why are some men abusive to their wife?

becaue they themselves usually had an abusive childhood and are taking it out on the person they are around the most

What to do if you witness abusement?

try to get help for that person but do it in steps if you think the person may be harmed if they leave the abusive person. call help lines for abused people. get help before it is to late. something may happen that can't be reversed. i have a friend that was in a abusive relationship and her boyfriend almost killed her so please help that person before it is to late. i beg you

Why do friends often defend the abuser and think he is a 'great' person even after you've told them what he's done to you?

Because they show their friends the public persona, but you happen to see the abusive person. An abusive person does not "appear" abusive to the outside world. It is the false person the public sees, while their family sees the abusive side. If these people don't believe you about the abuse you endured, find someone to tell who will. They may share the same abuse-condoning cultural and social background.

What do indicators tell us?

Indicators are used to tell a person whether or not a chemical is present or what pH a substance may be. Usually an indicator is a strip that is dipped into the substance and will change color based on the presence of a substance or pH.

Do indicators available as paper and liquid?

Yes , in both form you may bye the indicators.

Why are some black men so abuses?

Black men may or may not be 'more' abusive than other ethnics, Men are usually abusive because they were around it as a young person. Or, they simply want to have their way and hitting is a good way to get people to do what you want.

What are the indicators that someone has ADHD?

the person may have trouble paying attention, acting on impulse, and inability to stay still for a short amount of time

5 reasons a person may be susceptible?

List 5 reason person my be susceptible

What would be on your 100 hundred things to do before you die list?

This varies from person to person. Some people may have on their list to sky-dive, others may want to take a trip to Antarctica or to China. There is no definitive answer for this question.

How does behavioral interdependence effect someone's life?

it effects how they act and haddle things. ex. if a person grew up in a abusive household they MIGHT have a bad or depressing behavoir and it may make them be abusive with there bf/gf or even their wife/ husband hope it helped ------anonymous

Why do people remain in abusive relationships?

because there can be good things that come from the bad relationship.....that person may just have an anger issue but is still very sweet sometimes