

Best Answer


  • Escherichia coli
  • Vibrio cholerae
  • Salmonella enterica
  • Helicobater pylori
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Q: List down five motile bacteria that have flagellum?
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Are bacteria growing in the semi solid agar deep motile?

Yes. If the bacteria has spread from the inoculation point, the bacteria is motile. It will look like a upside down Christmas tree.

How does archeabacteria move?

Archaea bacteria can move using flagella, which are whip-like structures that rotate to propel the cell through its environment. Some archaea species can also move by using pili, which are hair-like appendages that enable them to attach to surfaces and pull themselves along.

What is another word for a decomposer?

Here are the list of words: break down, crumble, decay, dissolve, fall apart, pieces.

How will milk in the fridge affect the bacteria that is in the milk?

Refrigeration will slow down the growth of bacteria in the milk, but not kill the bacteria. This will slow down spoilage.

How do you spell drop down list Or is it drop-down list?

drop down list. i guess

Are viruses free-living organisms?

viruses are not technically alive because they cant reproduce by themselves, eat, break down food, or grow

How do bacteria recycle leaves and twigs?

The bacteria breaks down the leafs and twigs into soil by a chemical solvent that it leaves on the Leaf to break it down. The name I do not know.

How do bacteria break down tooth enamel?

Tooth enamel is broken down when bacteria feed off the sugars on your teeth. Their waste is the acid that breaks down your enamel.

Does bacteria eat consumers?

No. Some bacteria are decomposers and they break down dead materials.

Where do bacteria go?

Bacteria is everywhere just wash your hands and it goes down the drian

What is the meaning of list down?

List down can mean to make a list, starting at the top of a piece of paper and descending down the paper. List down can also mean that a ship is leaning to one side or the other and the list is so overwhelming that the ship is in danger of sinking.

What are the adaptation of sperm cell?

A sperm cell has a tail, or flagellum, that help it swim. It also contains a large amount of mitochondria so it is able to produce a lot of energy in order to operate the flagellum. The head of the sperm also contains enzymes to break down and digest the zona pellucida of the egg so that it can fertilize it.