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The five effects are:

Global warming

eye cataract

suppression of immune system

skin cancer

Death of phytoplanktons.

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Q: List five effects that UV radiation could have on plants or animals as a result of ozone thinning?
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What happens to plants and animails when ozone thinning occurs?

Ozone thinning is a dangerous phenomenon. It can cause extinction of plants and animals.

How do animals get solar radiation by eating plants?

The plants absorbs the solar radiation and energy.

What are the bad effects of nuclear waste?

Well, it is poisonous, and radioactive- which can cause radiation sickness and cancer. Basically, it can kill people, animals, and plants. For a long time.

What are the harmful effects of plastics on plants and animals?

harmful effects of polythene on animals

How do you use thinning in a sentence?

Women can have thinning hair, just like men experience. After thinning the paint, John stirred it well. Most plants benefit from thinning and separating plants from each other.

What are some of the effects of habitat destructions?

animals will die,plants will die,animals and plants might become extinct.

What are some of the effects of habitat destruction?

animals will die,plants will die,animals and plants might become extinct.

What is the effect of earthquake on plants and animals?

The effects are, damaging the plants by crushing them and maybe even well kill animals.

What good effects and bad effects on estuaries?

the good effects on a estuary is the amountof animals and plants it gets. the bad effects are when the animals harm the estuaries and when the water is harmful in the ocean

Why is a power plant bad for the environment?

Nuclear power plants are bad for the environment because of the unpreventable release of radioactive materials. What many people forget is that radiation is energy, not a material. A material that emits radiation is called radioactive material. Back to the point, radiation causes long-term effects and can pollute almost everything. Water is used to cool reactors and when it leaks into the environment, radiation poisoning is usually the effect. Radiation that comes from the power plant itself can poison surrounding plants, animals, and people. Effects from high radiation exposure (the sun emits radiation) are radiation poisoning, cancer, brain damage, birth defects, infertility, etc.

What are the effects of water quality on human animals and plants?

pudding farts

The effects of plasmolysis and turgidity on cells?

it is harmful for plants and useful for animals