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WFilter Enterprise

1.monitor and archive all internet activities

2.filter internet content and restrict internet access

3.P2P,online streaming and online gaming control

4.real time network connection monitor and alter

5.various kind of statistic and report

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Q: List four functions that can be performed by network monitoring tools?
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Related questions

Where can one find free network monitoring tools online?

Free network monitoring tools can be found many places online. Tools such as Observium, Ganglia, Spiceworks, Nagios, Zabbix, Monit and Munin are possible options depending on your specific monitoring needs.

What Network problems do network monitoring tools show?

network monitoring describes the use of a system that constantly monitors a computer network for slow or failing components and that notifies the network administrator in case of outages via email, pager or other alarms. It is a subset of the functions involved in network management. While an intrusion detection system monitors a network for threats from the outside, a network monitoring system monitors the network for problems caused by overloaded and/or crashed servers, network connections or other devices.

What are monitoring tools?

Monitoring tools provides asset details such as the OS, installed software, and hardware and informs you about the general availability and performance of the network elements. It is the process of checking the computers, systems, and services that comprise a network.

What tools can be used to aid in monitoring bandwidth?

For internet connections and bandwidth monitoring, I would recommend "WFilter". For local network devices monitoring, I would recommend "spiceworks".

What is the major distinction between integrated network management systems and simpler network management systems?

Integrated network management systems are made up of network monitoring and network analysis tools.

What take advantage of network monitoring and analyzing tools the network adapter installed in the machine running the software must support mode?

Promiscuous mode

Networking monitoring tools for windows?

NetCrunch 8 is an all-in-one network monitoring and management solution that runs on Windows, and is completely agentless with an embedded SQL database.

What company offers the best network monitoring tools?

"The top six network monitoring companies are Nagios, Cacti, Top, Zabbix, and Munin, IMFirewall. Nagios was number one. You should try Nagios. It is rated very highly."

How do you ge rid of network monitoring tools?

Uninstall them? Reputable developers would not want to risk releasing software that doesn't uninstall properly.

Where can one find information about application monitoring tools?

Many technical sites have information about applications on monitoring tools. As well as blogs written by people who use certain applications on monitoring tools.

What are some computer network tools?

Generally, computer networking tools are software programs that network engineers can use to make their jobs easier. Some tasks performed by network tools: - network discovery (finding all the computers and routers on the network) - path tracing (finding the network path to a given computer) - connectivity testing (finding out if a particular network link is working or not) - traffic monitoring (watching the traffic on the network, looking for something specific) - network device management (configuring routers and firewalls) There are also "computer networking tools" that are actual physical tools, not software. Here are some of those: - punchdown tool (terminates network wires to a punchdown block in a wiring closet) - toner/tracer (toner tool injects a tone onto a wire, tracer tool amplifies the tone signal so you can trace the wire through a wire bundle) - cable tester (checks a wire for faults) - TDR, or time domain reflectometer (measures the length of a cable by measuring the time it takes for a signal to bounce off the end and come back) HTH, Gdunge

US-Based Network Operations Center?

NETRIO U.S.-based 24/7 Network Operations Centers (NOCs) are staffed by highly-trained personnel utilizing the latest advances in network monitoring tools and systems.Our company provides US-based 24x7 NOC services,,server, application, website monitoring, etc.