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If you subscribe to the premise that the French Revolution was a grass roots movement by the people in the street, they would have had very limited effect because of literacy. (If the Third Estate was made up of 97 percent of the French population and 80 percent of the Third Estate were illiterate peasants, then about 75 percent of all Frenchmen and Frenchwomen had never heard of Enlightenment or of Philosophy and Philosophers.) For the man on the street it was all about hope for a better tomorrow and bread on the table today.

If you choose to believe in a Top Down origin to the Revolution, then someone had to convince the great majority that they had certain basic human rights, and they would not have received such information from the Nobles or the Catholic Clergy.

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13y ago
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12y ago

though there were many philosophers during the revolution but some of the philosophers writings really fomented the situation...among them were

jean jacques rousseau



maximilien robespierre

count mirabeau

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9y ago

The French Philosopher did not play any active role in the outbreak of the French revolution but their ideas was the inspiration to the revolutionary movement.

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hum french revolution? you mean 1789 revolution?

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