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A list of words is typically separated by a comma; however, a list of phrases would be separated by a semicolon.

For example: For dinner I ate chicken, broccoli, potatoes, and bread.

Since the list only consists of words, only commas are necessary to separate them.

Another example: In order to prepare dinner I cut up the chicken and put in on the grill; steamed the broccoli; boiled and mashed the potatoes; and baked the bread after I mixed up the dough and let it rise.

Because the phrases in the list are longer (some of them use "and"), it is a good idea to separate them using semicolons in order to emphasize which phrase is which.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 1d ago

Sure, here are some words separated by commas: apple, banana, orange, grape

Here are the same words separated by semicolons: apple; banana; orange; grape

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Q: List of words separated by a comma or semicolon?
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A list of words separated by commas is called a "comma-separated list" or a "comma-delimited list."

A punctuation mark that is half colon and half comma?

The punctuation mark you are referring to is the semicolon (;). It combines the functionality of a colon and a comma, used to connect closely related independent clauses or as a super comma in a list.

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If the list of phrases contains commas, the list is properly delimited by using semicolons.

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A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning; it is a stronger break than a comma but not as strong as a period. Additionally, a semicolon may be used to separate items in a list when those items contain commas.

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It goes after a semicolon. "And" is a word that finishes off a idea/list, so it has to go after a semicolon.

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In a list, commas are used to separate individual items. For example, in a list of fruits like "apples, bananas, and oranges," the comma is used to separate each fruit. The comma before "and" in the list is known as the Oxford comma, and it is optional depending on the style guide being followed.

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You would say, for example, phone, telephone, cell phone, tv, stereo, wii, and dvd. You put a , after every word that is in the list and before the and.

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An array literal is a comma-separated list of the elements of an array. An array literal can be used for initializing the elements of an array.

What is an example of a sentence using the word comma?

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When should you not use a colon?

When you are beginning a list of irregular items

How can you use semicolon in a sentence?

A semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses in a sentence when they are closely related in thought. It can also be used to separate items in a list when the items themselves contain commas.

Do you use a semicolon before the word such?

Well, as long as such isn not the beginning of a list of things, such would not have a semicolon in front of it.