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Spreadsheet have many functions. Here are a bunch of them:

String Functions:

Asc (VBA) Find Mid Substitute

Char Fixed Proper T

Chr (VBA) Format (VBA) Replace Text

Clean InStr (VBA) Rept Trim

Code InStrRev (VBA) Right UCase (VBA)

Concatenate LCase (VBA) RTrim (VBA) Upper

Concatenate with & Left Search Value

CurDir (VBA) Len Space (VBA)

Dollar Lower Str (VBA)

Exact LTrim (VBA) StrConv (VBA)

Numeric / Mathematical Functions:

Abs CountIf Minverse Small

ACos Degrees Mmult Sqrt

ACosh Even Mod Subtotal

ASin Exp Odd Sum

ASinh Fact Pi SumIf

ATan Fix (VBA) Power SumProduct

ATan2 Floor Product SumSq

ATanh Format (VBA) Radians SumX2mY2

Atn (VBA) Int Rand SumX2pY2

Average Large Rnd (VBA) SumXmY2

AverageA Ln Roman Tan

Ceiling Log Round Tanh

Combin Log10 RoundDown Trunc

Cos Max RoundUp Val (VBA)

Cosh MaxA Sgn (VBA) Var

Count Mdeterm Sign VarA

CountA Min Sin VarP

CountBlank MinA Sinh VarPA

Statistical Functions:

AveDev Growth Percentile StDevP

Average Intercept PercentRank StDevPA

AverageA Large Permut Var

BetaDist Max Quartile VarA

BetaInv MaxA Rank VarP

BinomDist Median Small VarPA

Covar Min StDev

Forecast MinA StDevA

Logical Functions:


Case (VBA) Nested Ifs (up to 7) Not

False Nested Ifs (more than 7) Or

Information Functions:

Cell IsErr IsNull (VBA) N

Error.Type IsError IsNumber NA

Info IsLogical IsNumeric (VBA) Type

IsBlank IsNA IsRef

IsDate (VBA) IsNonText IsText

Date & Time Functions:

Date DateSerial (VBA) Minute TimeSerial (VBA)

Date (VBA) DateValue Month TimeValue

DateAdd (VBA) Day MonthName (VBA) Today

DateDif Days360 Now Weekday

DateDiff (VBA) Format (VBA) Second WeekdayName (VBA)

DatePart (VBA) Hour Time Year

Database Functions:

DAverage DGet DProduct DSum

DCount DMax DStDev DVar

DCountA DMin DStDevP DVarP

Lookup / Reference Functions:

Address GetPivotData (Ex #1) Indirect Rows

Areas GetPivotData (Ex #2) Lookup Switch (VBA)

Choose HLookup Match Transpose

Column Hyperlink Offset VLookup

Columns Index Row

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Q: List the 8 functions that come built in with spreadsheet programs?
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What is a Datasheet?

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What is the purpose of datasheet view?

The data sheet view in Microsoft SharePoint is a useful tool for quickly editing several list items. It functions similar to an Excel spreadsheet and can be exported to or imported from an Excel spreadsheet.

What function can not be done by using a spreadsheet?

There is an almost infinite list of things (or functions if you prefer) that can not be achieved using a spreadsheet. I will write some for you to encourage your own imagination. You can not: 1. Achieve escape velocity and launch a rocket into space using a spreadsheet. 2. Paint a masterpiece using a spreadsheet. 3. Turn a base metal into gold using a spreadsheet. There are many more.

What are built in functions in a spreadsheet application?

Excel has many dozens of functions. An example of some of the functions are:IFISERRLEFTLENLOOKUPRIGHTSUMSUMIFFunctions allways begin with the equal sign. An example of a function is =SUM(A1:A13).See related links for a list of Excel functions.

What are all the built-in PHP functions?

See the related links for a shortcut to the entire reference of every function in PHP. The default built-in functions differ from the categories of extensions you choose to install, and the version of PHP you're installing - therefore, it's impossible to give a stable list of built-in functions.

What can you do on a spreadsheet?

on a spreadsheet you can organise stuff, and use it for everyday use e.g a shopping list

What is a combo box in spreadsheet?

A combo box is a drop down list that gives you a list of things you can pick something from. You will see lots of these in programs or on web pages. It is possible to put them into Excel from the Forms toolbar or the Controls toolbar.

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What is the purpose to using functions in Excel?

Functions are in-built formulas to do specific tasks. They are useful for doing specified tasks quickly and simply. Excel has hundreds of functions that can be used. They are categorised for different uses, such a Financial functions or Date and Time functions. If you are writing formulas in Excel you would use a lot of functions. Using Excel without using functions would make things very slow. See the related question below.

Why is a spreadsheet different to a calculator?

A spreadsheet has much more capabilities than a calculator. There are far more built in functions than a calculator. You can do things like list all your figures on the spreadsheet, so that you can see them all at once, which you can't do on a calculator. Without having to type them all in again, you can do further calculations on the same figures. You can easily change figures to try different things. You can have all sorts of subtotals and use them for further calculations. You can save all your figures in a file. These are just a few of the advantages. There are many, many more. A calculator is handy for a quick and simple calculation, but if you want to do anything more than that, a spreadsheet is a better option. A spreadsheet is a calculator and a lot more besides that.

How do you use the spreadsheet?

To use a spreadsheet, you can input data into cells, create formulas to perform calculations, format cells for specific data types, and create charts for visualization. You can also use functions like sum, average, and VLOOKUP to manipulate data. Additionally, you can apply filters, sort data, and protect your spreadsheet to ensure data integrity.

What kind of formulas can you use with the autosum feature of Microsoft Excel?

Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.Sum, Min, Max, Average and Count are available through the Autosum. Mainly you use the SUM function just to total up a list of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions. There are all sorts of reasons for doing that, depending on the spreadsheet you have created.