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Q: List the Stages of westward expansion in US?
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What was an aspect of .us. economic expansion during the 1800s?

Industrial revolution , Immigration , westward expansion , progressive movement, Imperialism

How did the westward expansion affect the US?

Because the US hates black people.

What is westward expantion?

The Westward Expansion was when the US gained more territory west of the original 13 colonies.

B Describe the westward growth of the US including the emerging concept of Manifest Destiny?

the westward expansion was hard.

What general idea led to the US westward expansion?

Manifest Destiny

What caused the largest interregional migration in the US?

The U.S. westward expansion.

Was the US unfair in completing its westward expansion?

There were certainly unfair aspects of the US expansion westward. The existing Indian population was abused, and a lot of territory was seized from the nation of Mexico. It was a pretty ruthless process.

Why did some Americans agree to westward expansion and others opposed?

There was no opposition to the westward expansion of the US. The first available westward movement came with the Treaty of Paris, where England gave to the 13 colonies all land east of the Mississippi River. Also, the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 set the groundwork for westward expansion.

As the US expanded westward what was one of the issues that divided the country?

the expansion of slavery

The prominent issue in national politics in the 1840s was?

the westward expansion on US territory.

When the US expanded westward what was one of the issues that divided the country?

expansion of slavery

. As the US expanded westward what was one of the issues that divided the country?

the expansion of slavery