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an adult usally has to have 2.5 millmerters of salt

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Q: List the enzymes secreted by mouth salivary glands stomach and the small intestine and what involved with digesting?
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What is the name given to the starch digesting enzyme secreted by the salivary glands?


Where is Amylases secreted?

Amylase is secreted in the stomach and Small Intestine.

Where is ptyalin secreted from?

salivary glands

The fluid secreted by the salivary glands is called?

The salivary gland secrets a fluid called the saliva. The saliva aids in digestion by partially digesting the food in the mouth, making it slide smoothly down the esophagus as well as making it easier for the stomach to fully digest.

Saliva is secreted by which glands?

Salivary glands.

Is bile a chemical secreted by small intestine?

Bile is secreted by the liver.

Trypsin is secreted from?

The duodenum. The proximal portion of the small intestine.

What produces a product containing amylase that begins starch breakdown in the mouth?

No, amylase begins the conversion of starch into the disaccharide maltose although this conversion is incomplete because food is in the mouth for a relatively short period of time. protein digestion begins in the stomach.

What is the Site of production of Pancreatic amylase?

The salivary amylase works mostly in the mouth and in the esophagus. Once it reaches the stomach, the high pH denatures the salivary amylase and cannot be used. However, once the food reaches the duodenum the pancreas releases pancreatic amylase to continually digest carbohydrates.

Why does bread taste sweat in mastification?

the salivary amylase secreted by the salivary glands break complex food particles into maltose which is sugar

Dose the stomach contains pancreatic juice?

no stomach doesn't contain pancreatic juice. it is secreted by pancreas and contain trypsin and lipase which help in digesting proteins and fats respectively in small intestine

What is sucrase secreted from?

Sucrase is a family of enzymes. Some of it is secreted from the salivary glands in the mouth but most of the sucrase activity is in the small intestines. In the intestines it is not secreted, but rather, contained in the wall.