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1. Has Blubber

2. thick fur that traps air, insulating it

3. Small surface area, eg small head or tail, to minimise heat loss.

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Q: List three adaptations that help a polar bear keep warm?
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What are the functional adaptations of the polar bear?

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What living things are affected by polar bear adaptations?

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Is a polar bear nearly extinct?

No. Polar bears are not on the endangered species list

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nothing it proobaly would die

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A Polar Bear benefits from its adaptations because:1. It is always warm while it is in below freezing conditions2. It has good camouflage, especially when it is hiding.That is the best I can do

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As of now, the polar bear is a vulnerable species, not on the endangered species list, as some populations are increasing.

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What animals live in the polar regions?

polar bears, penguins, seals, and whales.These animals have blubber which protects them from the x-treme coldness! These are amazing animals!And they have several adaptations to survive in the polar region

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