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This question is hard to understand. Are you asking about electrical equipment such as a television or a hi-fi, or about furniture such as bookshelves, or about window curtains...? If you can tell us a bit more about the kind of equipment you are asking about then someone may be able to give you a better answer than this one!

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Q: Living room equipments what are bed room equipments?
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In which room you watch the tv most?

living room bed room family room den

How do you clean a living room where a bed bug was found?


How do you get a cat not to sleep in your bed?

put it in a cage in your living room

What is a studio apartment?

Studio apartmnets are where do u live with your basic needs such as living room ,kitchen and a washroom.Not too lagre apartment

How many rooms does a studio apartment have excluding bathroom?

Efficiency= One room, 1 bath. The One room is divided into kitchen and bedroom and the bedroom and living room are the same. Cabinets divide the kitchen from from living room/bedroom. Best to have a couch bed to allow for more space or you might end up spilling your food onto the bed!

Who is the artist of the paintings in Evelyn Harper' living room in two and a half men?

The paintings in her Living room I'm not sure about, ..but the one in her Bedroom over the bed, ..I believe it was painted by the Artist "John Stenger"

What room should your puppy live in?

A puppy should get a space in the laundry room or just a little bed in the living room. It could just live anywhere it feels like sleeping.

Why is a living room called a living room?

A living room is called a living room because it is a living room, and we spend lot of time in the living room.

What is single bed hotel room?

a room with only one bed

Room in a house?

1. living room 2. bedroom 3. dining room 4 kitchen 5. guest room 6. maids room 7. masters bed room 8. comfort room 9. study room 10. prayer room

What is the name for a living room in a traditional Japanese house?

Living room in Japanese is commonly expressed as an i-ma or living space. Large traditional houses sometimes only have one living room and can function as a dining room, study room, or even a bed room. This is important to know because Japanese furniture is portable and when not used can be stored in an oshiire, a small part of the house that is used for storage.

What are the benefits of a convertible sofa bed?

A convertible sofa bed is the perfect solution for college students or those living in studio apartments, since it functions as seating room during the day and a comfortable bed at night.