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Q: Lobsters insects and spiders are all examples of?
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Why are insects lobsters and spiders all classified as Arthropods?

they have body segments that you can see

What is artaopods?

I think you mean arthropods? An arthropod is an invertebrate that has an exoskeleton (a skeleton on the outside), joined appendages, and a segmented body. Many examples are horseshoe crabs (which aren't actually crabs at all - they are most related to spiders), lobsters, and crabs, spiders, and other insects.

Are arthropods poisonous?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, non-poisonous include some Spiders, lobsters, almost all crabs, almost all insects, some scorpions. Poisonous include some spiders, some scorpions, a few insects, cone snails, and horseshoe crabs.

What insects are not arthropods?

Arachnids (spiders, scorpions), crustaceans (crabs, lobsters), and myriapods (centipedes, millipedes).

Do spiders have exoskeletons?

yes, pretty much all bugs do. Spiders are cheliceriforms, which placed them under arthropods. All athropods, which include hexapods (flying insects) crustaceans (lobsters shrimps crabs) cheliceriforms (horseshoe crabs and spiders) and myriapoda (centipedes and millipedes) have an exoskeleton. Technically they are not bugs nor insects they are arachnids.

What is the most abundant polysaccharides on earth?

Chitin, a polysaccharide made of N-acetylglucosamine molecules. It makes up the exoskeletons of all arthropods, including insects; arachnids, such as Spiders and ticks; and crustaceans, such as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, and shrimp.

What animals have exoskelatons?

Crabs, bees, ants, spiders, millipedes. turtles, tortoises, and lobsters all have exoskeletons.

What is a arthropod example?

Ovoviviparous refers to an animal that retains the egg inside of them until it hatches and gives birth to larval young. Two insects that do this are Sarcophagid flies and tachinids.

What animals are invertebrates insects snails lobsters?

All of these (insects, snails, lobsters) are invertebrates without internal skeletons or back bones.

Why do only some bugs have six legs?

all bugs/what are determined as insects have six legs. it's part of what makes them insects. spiders are NOT insects, they are arachnids. that they have eight legs is partially what determines this. crabs and lobsters have ten legs, making them very difficult to buy shoes for.

What is examples of Arthropods?

Arthropods belong to a major classification in taxonomy, characterized by joint appendages, external skeletons, and segmented bodies. They include arachnids, sea Spiders, horseshoe crabs, myriapods (like millipedes), and crustaceans like true crabs, shrimp, and lobsters. They also include all the insects.

Is a cricket an arthropod?

Yes. All insects, Spiders, arachnids, etc. are arthropods.