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Q: Lost 9 pounds in first trimester of pregnancy?
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I lost my baby at the end of the third trimester and this was the first miscarriage after two sons the doctor said it is because of a blood cloti am afraid of other pregnancy what do you think?

= I lost my baby at the end of the third trimester and this was the first miscarriage after two sons the doctor said it is because of a blood clot i am afraid of other pregnancy what do you think? = In: [Edit categories]

How much weight do you gain in the first few weeks of pregnancy?

2kg's but it was also Christmas to that was a factor too! Most women gain a couple pounds of water weight in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Since the baby to be only weighs a couple ounces weight gain early on is minimal.

Is any kind of clotted like blood normal during th 1st trimester of pregnancy?

I got pregnant twice and during my first trimester i had spotting and slight bleeding. And they were both signs of tubal pregnancy which is the fertilised egg implants in the tubes but not in the uterus. So I lost both of the pregnancies. I am 4 weeks pregnant again and i am hoping i will have a healthy pregnancy. I will freak out if any spotting or bleeding starts.

Can you cause a miscarriage at 22 weeks pregnant?

hello. you can miscarry at 20 weeks or 30. i lost my baby at 7 months.

Can a twin feel a sense of loss for an unborn twin?

Yes, absolutely. It's natural to grieve for a lost twin. I have actually lost my own twin (2nd trimester of my (our) mother's pregnancy. Whether you can grieve before you are aware is uncertain. I never did until my mom told me.

Is rapid weight loss during pregnancy something to be concerned about?

Yes. Any drastic, even noticeable, changes could be very dangerous to your and/or the baby's health. If you are remotely concerned about anything, consult your doctor; better to be safe than sorry. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Well in the first trimester if you have morning sickness you may lose a few pounds (i lost 5) due to eating more smaller meals, or not feeling like eating at all. But later in your pregnancy, consult a doctor if you still have rapid weight loss. It could be due to a miscarriage.

Is it normal to lose weight if you are not throwing up early in pregnancy?

No matter what, I'm hoping that you are seeing a doctor for regular prenatal care visits. You should consult your doctor about this as every woman is different, however some women do lose weight in their first trimester.

How much pound did Tina lost in all if Tina has been dieting for a total of 13 weeks and she lost 3 pounds on the first week then gained a pound on the second week afterwords she lost 2 pounds a week?

24 pounds.

Can you have a miscarriage at 20 weeks?

Yes you can. I have. 20 weeks and everything before is considered miscarriage. Anything after 20 weeks is a stillbirth. I lost a girl at 19weeks 5days, she was 6.5 in long and weighed 8 oz. I lost a boy at 22weeks and he was 1lb 1oz.

How do you convert pounds lost into percentage?

pounds lost/original weight times 100 Say you weighed 200 pounds and lost 10 pounds, then the percent pounds lost is 10/200 x 100 = 5%

When are you out of a miscarriage stage?

miscarriage is the lost of a pregnancy in the early stage, it is more common in the first 12 weeks

Is Topiramate also a diet pill?

It should be,the first year i was on it i lost 90 pounds.