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You have the risk of the placenta blocking the birth canal. Possible C section

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Q: Low lying placenta and baby is back to back what problems does this give you?
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What is posterior grade 2 high lying placenta?

Posterior placenta is when the placenta is located at the back of the motherÃ?s uterus. Placenta praevia means the placenta has not moved up towards the top of the uterus to get ready for birth. Grade 2 means the placenta is near the cervix but not blocking it.

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No its not okay it dead

How is a baby nourished during gestation?

The placenta attaches to the child by three blood vessels that make up the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has three blood vessels one for oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the baby and two arteries carry deoxygenated fetal blood from the baby back to the placenta.

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Baby rabbits should be left alone to sleep as they want to.

Does the umbilical cord slide back up once its cut?

No. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which is the sack that the baby grows in. After giving birth, the placenta and the umbilical cord leave the body through the vagina.

What it mean when placenta is in way of baby making hard to feel baby kicking?

It is called an anterior placenta which means the placenta is attached to the front wall of your uterus (rather than the back wall which is more common). It doesn't mean anything other than there is a little extra cushioning between the wall of your uterus and your baby so you probably won't feel baby's first movements until a little later into your pregnancy (probably around 20 weeks or more if you are also overweight).

What is the role of the placenta during a pregnancy?

The placenta is an extremely complex piece of biological equipment. A little bit like an artificial kidney (dialysis machine), it allows your blood and the baby''s to come into very close contact without ever mixing

What is a single artery umbilical cord?

You really need to talk to the pediatrician about this. The umbilical cord usually has two arteries carrying blood from the baby to the placenta to be reoxygentated and one vein carrying oxygenated blood back from the placenta to the baby. Occasionally having only one artery is a sign that there is a problem with the baby, usually a kidney problem. YOu will find that your baby has tests to make sure his/her kidneys are working properly.

Is the delivery of the baby the end of childbirth?

No. After the baby is born the mother still needs to expell the rest of the placenta, usually called the afterbirth. Also if it was a ceaserian section the mother will need stitching back up.

How do you know when your ex is lying to you just to get you back?

well if your second guessing your ex you two have relationship problems and should talk it out...

What is the nature of an artery in the umbilical cord of a fetus?

The nature of an artery in the umbilical cord is to take waste products from the baby. It is then sent back to the placenta by two veins.