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Q: Main objective of Virginia colonial settlers?
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What was the main objective of the colonial Virginia settlers?

Virginia was founded mainly for the purpose of profit. When Virginia was founded, the colonial settlers gave the English territorial claims to America. They also offered a colonial market for trade.

What were colonial Virginia's main sources of income?


What was Virginia's main crash crop during the colonial years?


The primary source of wealth in colonial Virginia came from were?

Agriculture was the main source of wealth for colonial Virginia. Specifically, tobacco was the most profitable product at the time.

What was the main purpose of the Virginia London Company?

First issued in 1606, by England's King James, the Charters of the Virginia Company of London garanteed to the settlers who went to Jamestown and other Virginia settlements the same rights as Englishmen.

What were the major religions of colonial Virginia?

The main religions in colonial America include... Christianity Protestant Judism Puritan Quaker and Separatist

What crop helped the English colony of Virginia survive?

The crop that most helped the Virginia colony was tobacco. This was also the main reason why most settlers settled in this colony.

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Was lincolns main objective to save the union?

Yes, it was Lincoln's main objective.

What was the official church of Virginia in colonial times?

Actually, the "main" religion was Anglican, but the colony of Virginia was also very diverse. Mostly any type of Christianity, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.hi

What is the geography in colonial virginia?

Virginia had a hot,humid climate and good soil that was well suited to growing crops.

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The main objective of Alton Towers is to provide the nation with FUN!