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Lake Champlain.

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Q: Major lake that divides vermont and new york?
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What famous lake between Vermont and New York?

Lake Champlain forms part of the border between Vermont and New York.

What lake borders new york and vermont?

Lake Champlain.

What are the water resources of Vermont?

Lake Champlain forms part of the border between Vermont and New York. West River, Otter River and Winooski River are major rivers in Vermont.

What is the lake that forms part of the border between New York and Vermont?

Lake Champlain forms part of the border between Vermont and New York.

What large lake borders New York and Vermont?

Lake Champlain

Which lake forms part of the border between Vermont and New York?

Lake Champlain.

What is lake that forms part of the boarder between vermont and New Hampshire?

Lake Champlain is a redefined border between New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. It also forms a border between the US and Canada.

What are the bodies or water in vermont?

Lake Champlain forms part of the border between Vermont and New York. The Missisquoi River is an 80 mile long river in northern Vermont. The Passumpsic River is a 22 mile long in Caledonia County, Vermont.

Where is Lake Champlain?

No, the Great Lakes are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. New York wanted to have Lake Champlain a Great Lake but the government deiced to not have it be a Great Lake. Senate Bill 927 which reauthorizes the Sea Grant Program was signed by The President of The United States on March 6th, 1998 making Lake Champlain the 6th Great Lake.

What are the borders of Vermont?

It borders New Hapshire, New York, Massachusetts and Canada.

What large lake which forms part of the border between New York and Vermont and extends into Canada is?

Lake Champlain

Was anything named after Samuel De Champlain?

Lake Champlain between Vermont and New York.