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Q: Malthus's predictions were not entirely accurate for?
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How did Mendel know his predictions were accurate?

becuse he was smart=^

How can be sure of giving accurate predictions?

how.can one be sure of giving accurate prediction

Are Ray Kurzweil predictions accurate?

No and Yes, He is off a little by the years, but the influence is helping those create his predictions in a rapid time.

How do base rates affect the ability to make accurate predictions in clinical psychology?

In clinical psychology you are trying to find a smaller sample of the population, or smaller base rate. It makes accurate predictions harder to find.

Why do you think people sometimes misunderstood the oracle's predictions?

Because sometimes the predictions might not give accurate advice/response or it wouldn't be possible. The Predictions might've not made sense or it may have been unclear.

Why christians would believe jesus from the predictions of isiah?

Because it came true. All of the prophets made completely accurate predictions in the Bible, including Isiah.

Where can you find an accurate horoscope reading?

If you are asking about predictions then there is no such thing. No one can predict the future.

Why are theories used?

Scientific theories enable scientists to make accurate predictions about new situations.

Why do you think the Bhagavad Gita is such a popular book?

Shockingly accurate predictions about love, health & wealth

If you have the ability to predict the future how can you enhance this ability?

If you wish to become better at predicting the future, the best advice I could give would be for you to be as well informed as you can, about anything which is relevant to the predictions you wish to make. Accurate predictions are based on accurate information and intelligent analysis of that information.

How accurate are Punxsutawney Phil's predictions?

Impartial estimates place the groundhog's accuracy between 35% and 41%.

What is the accuracy of most astrological predictions?

For a positive/negative prediction, it is about 50/50 in the long one - same as guessing. For more specific predictions, accuracy gradually decreases as specificity increases. Most astrologers get around this by either making very general predictions, or re-interpreting those predictions when they fail.