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Q: Mammals reptiles and amphibians all have 4 limbs. How can you tell them apart?
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What is a tetrapod?

A tetrapod is a vertebrate animal with four limbs. "Tetra" means "four" and "pod" means "foot". Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are all tetrapods; even snakes and other limbless reptiles and amphibians are tetrapods because they descended from animals which had four limbs. Whales and other cetaceans are also tetrapods because they are mammals have two front limbs and the two hind limbs are vestiges.

Are amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals all in the same class?

No, not in a straight forward traditional classification sense... Amphibians = class Amphibia Reptiles = class Reptilia Bird = class Aves Mammals = class Mammalia They can be categorized all together in the "superclass" Tetrapoda.

Why can reptiles carry more body mass than amphibians?

because their limbs and bones are stronger than those of amphibians

Do mammals and reptiles have anything in common?

Yes both mammals and reptiles are tetrapods and have 4 limbs . Both possess amnion which is extraembryonic membrane .

What are the mammals with 4 legs?

All mammals have four legs, or at least four limbs if they're bipedal such as us, or in the case of bats. Whales have vestigial hind legs, in the form of a pelvis hidden halfway down their tail, and the flippers are their front legs. In fact, all land vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds) have four limbs. ^^

Are all mammals tetrapods?

Amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are all tetrapod's. The tetrapod's evolved from the lobe-finned fishes about 395 million years ago in the Devonian Period.

The five groups of vartebrates are?

Vertebrates can be classified into five groups, based on their skin covering, how they reproduce, how they maintain body temperature, and characteristics of their limbs (arms and legs, or their equivalent such as wings or fins). The 5 classes of vertebrates are as follows: # Fish # Amphibians # Reptiles # Birds # Mammals

Is snake reptile or amphibian?

A tetrapod is any vertebra organismal with four limbs. In that case humans are considered tetrapods because we have four limbs: Our two feet and arms makes us a tetra pod. Also frogs, t.rex, and mouse are considered tetra pods.

How comparative morphology support theory of evolution?

Look to the morphologies of all mammals and see rather easily how closely related they are in comparison to the more distantly related morphologies of all reptiles. Ancestral traits, such as tetropodal arrangement of limbs and then derived differences between mammals and reptiles. Reptiles having scales and mammals having hair.

Are fish in the category of fish?

Yes.There are five vertebrate classifications: mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Fish are classified as fish because they have the following characteristics:breathe using gills rather than lungsa covering of scalescold-bloodeduse fins rather than limbs for locomotion

Why do amphibians have limbs?

The limbs for Amohibian is Weak legs...

What are evolutionary adaptations that make mammals better adapted to life on land than amphibians?

the skin of mammals is not water permeable like amphibians skin is. Amphibians need to be either in water or moist environments at most time or else they would just dry up. Another reason is that mos amphibians have a larval stage (ex.tadpoles) that can never leave the water. This basically bounds amphibians to water. Amphibians also have webbed limbs adapted for water and not land.