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Q: Many of the obstacles an immigrant might need to overcome would include?
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The personal, professional, or academic obstacles that you must overcome to be successful in school include peer pressure, laziness, and use of drugs.

What personal professional or academic obstacles must you overcome to be successful in school what are some ways you might work around these challenge's?

Some common obstacles to success in school could include time management issues, lack of motivation, and difficulty in accessing resources. To overcome these challenges, one could create a schedule to better manage time, set specific goals for motivation, and reach out to professors or support services for help with resources. Developing good study habits, seeking feedback from peers, and taking advantage of tutoring services are additional ways to work around these challenges.

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Eastern European origin is likely to be like an old immigrant. This is the immigrant that fled from Nazi persecution.

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If you were to ask NASA how space challenges might be overcome, they would undoubtedly tell you that the answer is more funding. Fund the research and the challenges will be overcome.

If an immigrant is charged with sexual assault can that be cause for deportation?

The immigrant's status might come into play. Legal? Undocumented (illegal)?

What if an immigrant scammed you into marrying him?

If an immigrant scammed you to marry him that might be illegal and he will get sent back to his Country or go to jail, or even both.

This door you might not open and you did?

Sometimes we face obstacles that seem impossible to overcome, but with persistence and determination, we can achieve what initially may have seemed out of reach. This situation might serve as a reminder of the potential for growth and success when we push past our fears or limitations.

What happens if you marry an immigrant from Ghana?

You might get in big trouble. HUGE TROUBLE

How might the rise of anti-immigrant group lead to problems in the US?

The rise of anti-immigrant groups in the US may lead to more hate filled crimes