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Q: Marbury vs. Madison was the first example of what?
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Marbury v. Madison was an ingenious decision because it?

Marbury vs Madison was an ingenious decision. Marbury vs Madison was the first case of judicial review that voided the act of congress.

What was the name of the supreme court case of marbury vs Madison?

marbury vs. Madison

What precedent did Marbury vs. Madison set?

Marbury vs. Madison established the precedent of judicial review. Marbury vs. Madison was heard in 1803 before the US Supreme court.

How do you use Marbury vs. Madison in a sentence?

Marbury vs, Madison was a famous American legal case in 1803.

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William Marbury

Marbury vs. Madison was the first example of?

Marbury v. Madison was a dispute in which the U.S. Supreme Court first found an act of Congress to be unconstitutional. This initiated the doctrine of judicial review. It is considered to be one of the foundations of U.S. constitutional law.

What effect did the landmark supreme court decision in marbury vs madison have?

The effect of the landmark Supreme court decision in Marbury vs Madison helped in the separation of powers as far as the executive and legislature is concerned.

Why do historians refer to the case of marbury vs Madison as epochal?

Marbury vs. Madison was the first time the Supreme Court declared a federal act "unconstitutional" and established the concept of judicial review in the U.S. The landmark decision helped define the "checks and balances" of the American form of government.

What case made the Supreme Court an equal branch?

Marbury vs. Madison

What was the decision of the Supreme Court in Marbury vs. Madison?

Marbury vs Madison established the principle of "judicial review."Judicial review says the Supreme Court can decide on whether laws passed by Congress and signed by the President are constitutional.

Did the Marbury vs Madison ruling give Congress more or less power?
