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Marcus Garvey was a strong defender of Black nationalism and pan-Africanism, promoting pride in African heritage and advocating for the economic empowerment of Black people worldwide.

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Q: Marcus Garvey was a strong defender of the what?
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Is Marcus garvey part of the Harlem renaissance?

Marcus Garvey was not considered a direct part of the Harlem Renaissance cultural movement, which primarily focused on the flourishing of African American art, literature, and music. Garvey was a Jamaican political activist and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement, advocating for the unity and empowerment of people of African descent worldwide. While his ideas influenced the thinking of many intellectuals and artists during the Harlem Renaissance, he was not an active participant in its artistic activities.

Does Marcus garvey deserve to be a national hero?

Marcus Garvey played a significant role in empowering and uniting the Black community through his Pan-Africanist ideas and the founding of the Universal Negro Improvement Association. He inspired generations to embrace their African heritage and strive for self-reliance. Many consider him a national hero for his impact on the civil rights movement and black pride.

Is Marcus a good name?

Yes, Marcus is a strong and classic name with Latin origins meaning "warlike". It has been a popular choice for many parents throughout history. Ultimately, whether it is a good name or not depends on personal preference.

At the circle garvey says cole has will and courage but what does he also have?

Garvey also acknowledges that Cole has anger and pain within him, which fuel his actions and behavior. He believes that with guidance and support, Cole can learn to channel his emotions in a more positive way.

Why do you think Garvey agreed to be Cole's sponsor in the circle justice in touching spirit bear?

Garvey agrees to be Cole's sponsor in the circle justice process because he believes in giving Cole a second chance to change and heal. He sees the potential for growth and transformation in Cole and wants to support him in his journey towards healing and redemption. Additionally, Garvey recognizes that everyone deserves a chance to make amends and learn from their mistakes.

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What was Marcus garvey a defender of?

The Back-to-Africa Movement---Apex

What was Marcus Garvey a strong defender of?

The Back-to-Africa Movement---Apex

What was named after Marcus Garvey in Jamaica?

Marcus Garvey High School Marcus Garvey Drive

Is Marcus Garvey single?

No, Marcus Garvey is not single.

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does marcus garvey friends

How Marcus Garvey was a strong defender of the?

Back-to-Africa movement

What is Marcus Garvey's occupation?

Marcus Garvey is a/an Publisher, journalist

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Marcus garvey was homeschooled.

When did Marcus Garvey get married?

Marcus Garvey married to Amy Ashwood in 1919 Marcus Garvey married to Amy Jacques in 1922

Who did Marcus Garvey marry?

Marcus Garvey married to Amy Ashwood in 1919 Marcus Garvey married to Amy Jacques in 1922

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Marcus Garvey in old as Phone. But who was Phone?

What was Marcus garvey's dad name?

Marcus Mosiah Garvey Sr.